Book Tags

Talking about my Good Reading Habits πŸ“— Rereading, Review-writing, and Reading Motivation

Good Reading Habits

Hello fellow bookworms πŸ“— I often catch myself only thinking about my negative habits or traits, be it in my personal life or when it comes to my bookish one. That’s why I think it’s such a lovely idea to also reflect on the things you do well and the positive habits that you might not think about as often. Shining light on the good sides of yourself doesn’t come naturally to me, but it’s so important. That’s why I was beyond delighted to discover the Good Reading Habits Tag created by Ally @ allywritesthings, as it’s about talking about your positive bookish habits, instead of only bringing out the negatives ones. Thank you so much to the lovely Caitlin @ caitlinalthea who tagged me for this (You should totally go check out her blog and show her all the love!) πŸ’› I had so much fun writing about my positive habits once I got into it, so this has been a very cathartic experience! πŸ₯°

The RulesΒ πŸ“—

  • Pingback to the creator!
  • List some of yourΒ goodΒ reading habits, the things you think you do well
  • Nominate some of your blogging friends

I’m nominating … πŸ“—


1). I reread a lot of books πŸ“—

I simply love rereading so I do it a lot. I know we’re all struggling with keeping up with the TBR pile, but I can usually make some time for rereading as well. Last year I reread 40 books I think, which is a lot but when the mood strikes me I reread all of my favorites. This year I haven’t reread that much as I devoured all the library books before I had to move, but when I need a little comfort I’ll always turn back to my favorites. There are some books I literally reread every year (Fangirl, Simon VS, all the Christmas books, A Monster Calls) because I love them so much and am always itching to read them again. There is something so comforting about revisiting a beloved world that I sprinkle in some rereads throughout the year while still reading the books on my TBR. I’d say that I have found a good balance between rereading and TBR reading so that especially my physical TBR doesn’t attack me πŸ˜„


2). I’m doing well with my own book-buying budget πŸ“—

I’m pretty content with how much I’m spending on books. As I don’t have a steady income, I can’t buy all the books but I’m making use of gift cards, free trials/online offers, and my library. I’m fortunate that I had a really great library when I got to university as it provided me with so many books to choose from and I’m still really grateful for that time. Currently, I’m making use of the three months online pass some German libraries are currently offering, which gives me access to the famous Overdrive for the first time and made me weep with joy when I saw how many English e-books and audiobooks they have, some of them really new as well. I’ve also tried out free trials of Scribd or Audible and regularly check Riveted Teen for their Free Reads section. Basically, I try out all the free resources I can get books from 😊 That leaves me more relaxed about my book buying in general. Sometimes – e.g. when I’m on vacation with good bookstores – I’ll haul a lot more books and I’ll also order most of them online when I have a gift card or want to treat myself. So far it’s working out great and my physical TBR is around 40 books, which is a good size for me personally πŸ“š


3). I can maintain my reading motivation.

I usually know how to keep myself from falling into a slump. I haven’t been in one since high school when my reading was at its worst, but ever since I have managed to build a healthy reading habit that works for me. I sometimes still feel a bit slumpy but I usually notice when I need a short break from reading, I need to switch up genres or need to do some mood-reading. Participating in a lot of Challenges and Readathons is usually how I keep my reading motivation high as I personally love taking part in something with fellow readers and keep track of everyone’s progress. I also love picking out TBRs for different themed challenges and used to do a monthly theme for my reading all of last year. That being said the main reason why I keep being motivated to read is the bookish community right here, be it blogs, Twitter, or on Youtube, I love hear8ing people gush about books or tell me about what releases they are currently excited for. Finding people to connect to is how I got back to reading in the first place and is how I continue to show my love for books πŸ’›

My ideal reading place πŸ’—


4.) I’m always trying to stay on top of reviews.

I have an RTC list and try to work my way through it. Sometimes this is more difficult, I usually fall behind on reviews a lot when I’m really busy or stressed like during exam season or when I did my Bachelor Thesis. But I always keep track of what reviews have to be written and try to catch up the moment I have some more time again. That was recently the case when I had all but abandoned reviewing most books since fall 2019 when my thesis preparations started getting more intense. When most of the work was done I slowly got back to writing the overdue reviews. I’m still not 100% done with them, but I made it from over 40 reviews to around 10, so that counts for something! I’m trying to get better at reviewing books right after I finish them though, as this is usually when I remember the most about them! On a positive note, I’m usually also good at writing Arc Reviews first so they can be scheduled on my book in advance 😊

How I look trying to keep up with all my book reviews


5.) I read a lot of backlist books

I usually read a good mix of backlist and new books. Of course, I’m checking out as many new releases as possible, be it in the form of digital Arcs of buying some, but I also read a lot of backlist books as that’s what I have on my physical TBR and what I can get from the library. Like I said, getting new releases is definitely great as everyone is talking about them, but my local library doesn’t get them, usually I had to wait for the translation into German and hope my library got these editions, as they don’t buy that many English Books upfront. (I was still lucky that I had a great library) So that’s why I got a lot of backlist books instead and of course, I’m also trying to get some books from my physical TBR read as well! I do buy myself some new releases that I’m really excited for, but there are simply so many that I have to be very selective with what I choose – usually authors I already love, sequels I anticipate, or books with really amazing reviews. All of this makes for a balanced mix of older and newer books πŸ‘

Me browsing all the possible books I could read πŸ“š

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Do we share some of the same reading habits? What are some of your good reading habits? πŸ“—

20 thoughts on “Talking about my Good Reading Habits πŸ“— Rereading, Review-writing, and Reading Motivation

  1. Thanks for tagging us! πŸ™‚ I think we share most of these good habits, maybe with the exception the reviewing. You probably have realized this already, but I don’t review a lot, I prefer to write mini reviews or recommendation posts. πŸ˜… My buying habits are a bit more chaotic, but I’ve worked a lot on only buying what I truly want, so now I just need to get through… uh, a ridiculous amount of books that I already own, and then I can be proud.

    I love rereading!! It’s such a comfort to open my favorites and get lost in them all over again. I respect those who choose not to reread, but I also feel like they are missing out. πŸ˜… I think that, while I can get into tiny slumps, I’m good at getting out of them fast by motivating myself with books I’m super-excited for as well as my favorites. (Rereading is not simply fun, but also useful!) Or simply by taking a break, sometimes that’s necessary, too.

    Great post! πŸ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mini-Reviews and Recommendations are definitely amazing as well, I love reading them and get inspiration to pick up new books πŸ₯° I also try to only buy the books that I’m super excited for – though I do have a lot of books to get through as well that have been on my TBR for years πŸ˜…

      Oh rereading is amazing! I always love revisiting my favorite fictional worlds and stories – this also helps me when I’m feeling a bit slumpy a well 😊
      Thank you! πŸ’›

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  2. Hi Caro! I love this post! That’s great that you reread often — it’s a habit that I want to have too haha. I see you doing readathons often and it’s always amazes me how many books you finish πŸ™‚ I am also going well at keeping my book budget low. Several years ago when I first started book blogging, I went out and bought all the books I wanted to read and I was horrified how much money I spent on books over the course of the month! Since then I’ve learned to use my library which really helps a lot to keep costs low πŸ™‚
    Thanks for the tag! I’m really excited to do this one!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Sophie! πŸ₯° I honestly love reread and Readathons so much, they always get me excited to read 😊 I definitely relate – I bought a bunch of books when I got back to reading, mostly all the hypes series and I still haven’t read some of them πŸ˜… I have a good library now as well and that’s really amazing, especially with books that I’m on the fence about!
      So happy to hear that πŸ’›

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  3. Yay, I’m so glad that you did this tag, Caro πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί I loved reading about your good reading habits!!
    You’re honestly one of the most organized people I know, no joke. How do you stay on top of everything despite a busy schedule?? I really can’t relate :-((. Also, I’m soooo jealous that you have access to a good library over in Germany. The Philippines doesn’t have many libraries, and most only house academic texts and whatnot. And library apps are unheard of here :”‘) Everyday I imagine how powerful I’d be if I had access to a good library πŸ₯Ί

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Caitlin!! I had so much fun doing the Tag πŸ₯°πŸ’•
      I strive on being organized, it always makes me feel calm and prepared πŸ˜„ I also don’t have that much going on in terms of social commitments like college clubs (our university is pretty small so there are not that many clubs to join) though I do miss Yoga a lot πŸ₯Ί

      My old library was pretty good too, but I also had the luck that a lot of the huge city libraries offer free trials of their online services now – something I’m honestly so grateful for πŸ₯Ί Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear that! 😞

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Ahhhh so glad you did this tag! I loved all of your habits! I love to reread, too, it’s just such a great way to get out of a slump or revisit old favourites. And I also read a lot of backlist books! I feel like they’re so often overlooked

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! πŸ₯° Rereading honestly always cheers me up, so I love doing it from time to time, especially if I haven’t reread a book in a while! I have definitely found some hidden gems among backlist books 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  5. This is super cute! I am amazed that you can maintain your motivation for reading since high school. Since I entered college, I took a very long hiatus at my blog and read literally 4 books for the entire year because my brain couldn’t handle casual reading. I admire that you can juggle other stuff along with reading πŸ™‚ Also, rereading is great! I feel that I need to do that more as well.

    jillian @ jillian etc.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! πŸ₯° Somehow reading in college worked better than reading in high school for me, but sometimes things are like that! Rereading is definitely amazing, I need to do it again soon, as I haven’t reread anything in May πŸ˜„


  6. I love the positivity of this post!! I definitely relate to rereading all the time, and even though I sometimes get down on myself about it, since it means I’m not working on my TBR, I LOVE revisiting all of my favorites πŸ˜€ Your description makes me realize how wonderful rereading is!

    That’s amazing that you’ve worked out how to keep yourself out of a slump. Healthy reading habits are fantastic! And I can definitely see how participating in readathons and being active in bookish communities helps with that πŸ™‚

    Thanks so much for tagging me in this, Caro – I loved reading about all the things you’re proud of in your reading life ❀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Margaret! πŸ₯° I also love revisiting old favorites, it always makes me feel so happy and boosts my reading motivation 😊 Readathons and simply just reading amazing blog posts also make me feel so excited for reading, it’s great how the reading love can be shared 😊

      Thank you for reading! πŸ’›


  7. Thanks for tagging us Caro! This tag looks like both a fun and positive time πŸ˜€ I love all the good reading habits you have that you’ve highlighted!
    I am in disbelief at how good you are at staving off reading slumps! Keeping motivation high is so important but at the same time can be so hard, so it’s awesome you have found some ways that work for you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome – I’m happy to hear that you liked the Tag, I had so much fun doing it 😊 It did take me some practice but Readathons are definitely my secret weapon against reading slumps, they always boost my reading motivation πŸ₯°

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Ah these are amazing reading habits, Caro! You might have to give me some of your re-reading power ahah. There are so many books I’d love to explore again, but I feel like the new books are calling out to me and it’s so, so hard to resist ahah. It’s definitely something I’d love to do more of though!! ❀ I am also really amazed by the fact that you can mostly stay on top of your reviews and keep up with them. I never can write reviews right away because I'm too busy and then I forget about it all and ahhh then it's endless ahah πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Marie! πŸ₯° Compared to the last years I haven’t reread as many books (I have been drawn in by the new releases and other backlist books on my TBR as well), but there is still plenty of time to do some rereads πŸ˜„ πŸ‘ I’m definitely not always great with this, but as I have much more time right now I try to write reviews as soon as possible so I don’t procrastinate doing it πŸ˜… That might change once I start my Master studies in Fall though 😱

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