Book Tags

Pumpkin Spice Latte Book Tag πŸŽƒ the return of the seasonal Tags

Pumpkin Spice Latte Tag

Hello fellow bookworms πŸŽƒ It’s time for more Fall themed Tags!! I wanted to do the Pumpkin Spice Latte Tag since last year when I saw it on Acqua’s blog but I never ended up getting around to doing it πŸ˜₯ However, this year I knew I wanted to do the Tag as I’m a big fan of the traditional Pumpkin Spice Latte πŸŽƒ I only drink it maybe twice in fall (because it’s pretty expensive) but it always puts me in such an autumnal mood and I need to get my intake of all things pumpkin spiced, as it’s not that common here in Germany. Right from the get-go, I loved all the questions for this Tag ❀ The Tag was originally created by The Book Pusher and I’ve included her video down below πŸ‚

It’s pumpkin spice latte time!!

Tagging πŸ’•

  • Pauliina @ bookaholicdreamer
  • Margaret @ weirdzeal
  • Xandra @ starryskybooks
  • & everyone who wants to do the Tag! If you love fall and you’ve been wanting to do this Tag you’ve now been officially tagged to do so πŸŽƒ


Pumpkin Spice Latte ➽ a book everyone likes to hate on but is delicious

The Gilded Wolves (Roshani Chokshi) πŸŽƒ I find it hard to say that a book is ‘hated on’ by everyone, but I do have some favorites that receive mixed reviews/lower ratings on Goodreads. One of them is Roshani Chokshi, who – in my opinion – writes some of the best Fantasy stories with vivid worlds and such lush, beautiful writing. There’s a certain amount of hype for her, but there also tend to be some divisive opinions. The latest book by her – The Gilded Wolves – also shows this pattern. In my opinion, it’s a fantastic book with a great cast of characters whose friendship is already strong at the beginning of the book and amazing, intriguing plots full of treasure hunting and heists. However, the book tends to attract a lot of comparisons to Six of Crows, which I kind of understand but also: not every Fantasy that involves a heist element should be immediately grouped in with Six of Crows. Sure both of them share the multiple POV character cast and a heist element, but are also fundamentally different and can stand on their own 🍡


β€œFall is my favorite season”  βž½ a cliche you can’t get enough of

I actually don’t mind most common tropes πŸŽƒ While there are some tropes that I cannot stand (… like love triangles, miscommunication, and insta love), there are certain cliches in stories that I still enjoy a lot and that are always fun to me, no matter how many times I read them πŸ˜„ Here’s a short list of cliches/tropes I love:

  • Pop-Culture references πŸ“š (as long as they are included in an organic way that doesn’t feel like fanservice. The nerd in me loves all the references)
  • The Chosen One πŸ‘‘ (one of the oldest Fantasy Tropes, but it’s still a lot of fun to follow a character destined to save the world and indulge in their perspective. I do enjoy spins on the trope though e.g. UnChosen Protagonists)
  • Forbidden Romance πŸ’˜ (the yearning and angst is strong with this trope and if well done can really make me root for a couple and be super invested in their journey)


Sweater Weather to T-Shirt Weather ➽ A book you thought was one thing but was completely different by the end

Kingdom of Souls (Rena Barron) πŸŽƒ I had high hopes for this book and the first 30% were great … but that’s when things went wrong for me. I thought this would be a story about a girl trying to use dark, forbidden magic because she has none of her own. In the beginning, this storyline was followed and I was so intrigued because the shame associated with being the only one without magic in the family and the dilemma of trading away years of your life for magic were so interesting to read about. However, this plotline suddenly got demoted to the background for other plots that I didn’t enjoy at all. I’m still so sad the forbidden magic wasn’t the main storyline, as the other storyline had one of my least favorite tropes (that I cannot reveal without spoilers) and in general, the story stagnated πŸ˜₯


β€œSpoops” ➽ do you have a spooky book on your tbr?

Cemetery Boys (Aiden Thomas) πŸŽƒ Now that it’s September this book has finally released and I couldn’t be more excited! I’m getting into the mood to read all the spooky books and this was on my most anticipated releases list πŸ₯° I recommended it to my library in the hopes that they would buy it, but so gar it sadly hasn’t happened yet- Nevertheless, I’m also keeping an eye on the Kindle book that I might buy because this seems to be THE perfect book to read in October!! It features GHOSTS and has a queer, Latinx, and trans protagonist! I’m all here for the magic and the slight spookiness, especially as I’ve heard so many good things about this book already πŸ‘»πŸ’—


Tarot Reading ➽ a five-star prediction

The Tower of Nero (Rick Riordan) πŸŽƒ I’m always afraid of making 5-star predictions in case I jinx myself, but so far Rick Riordan has never disappointed me! Very soon the last book in the Trials of Apollo series will be coming out and I’m incredibly excited to see how the big file will turn out to be! I predict this will be 5 stars, as I love the series (one of my all-time favorites) and I know Riordan will bring everything together for a good conclusion to his series. I’m a bit sad it’ll be over though, as the author probably won’t be doing any big series anytime though. I’m still hoping for some standalone/companion books set in his universe and maybe featuring some of the characters we haven’t seen much of πŸ‘€


Sephora Sage + Crystal Set ➽ a book that meant well but missed the mark by a landslide

The Extraordinaries (TJ Klune) πŸŽƒ Sometimes you don’t enjoy a book, but you can tell that it meant well and has good aspects. That’s what happened with The Extraordinaries for me. I sadly didn’t enjoy my experience reading this at all, as a lot of things that aggravated me kept happening. However, I still recognize that this is an important story as it deals with a gay teen boy who has ADHD and loves superheroes. There is a sweet friends to lovers romance and it’s so important to have queer superhero books, which is why I would still recommend this book if you like superpowers. It got a bit far-fetched with time – the main character was so willfully naive – and the worldbuilding isn’t that fleshed out though. So all in all, this meant well but ultimately didn’t work for me personally.

Divider2 (2)What is your favorite autumnal drink? What’s a cliche/trope that you cannot help but love? πŸŽƒ


51 thoughts on “Pumpkin Spice Latte Book Tag πŸŽƒ the return of the seasonal Tags

  1. This is such a fun tag! I definitely want to have a go at it. I’ve never had a pumpkin spice latte (I’ve never actually been in a Starbucks!) so my favourite autumnal drinks are chai latte and white hot chocolate. Maybe this will be the year I finally try the quintessential fall drink! πŸ˜„

    I’m so excited for Cemetery Boys. I was disappointed when the release date got pushed back at the start of the year, but now I think this is the perfect time of year for it.

    I sometimes think I’m the only one but I actually do kind of enjoy insta-love! I’m a bit of a sucker for totally cheesy, we-were-destined-to-be-together love. πŸ˜…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would love to hear your answers!! I hope you’ll be able to try the Pumpkin Spice Latte this year! White Hot Chocolate and Chai Latte both sound delicious as well πŸ₯°

      Cemetery Boys is one of my most anticipated releases, so I’m happy that it’s finally here, after being pushed back! I totally get that though, sometimes this can be great, especially if the couple has great chemistry 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I am also a sucker for “the chosen one” trope! I am rewatching all the Harry Potter movies right now and am living for them. great tag! I loved seeing all your answers πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ahh I love pumpkin spiced lattes!! & The PS frappes from Starbucks are even betterπŸ₯°.
    I added The Gilded Wolves to my tbr recently and I’m glad you liked it! Can’t wait to get to it! And yes to pop culture references! I love it when it’s something I love too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pumpkin Spice Lattes are so good! I have never tried the frappes (not sure if they are available here) but they sound delicious πŸŽƒ I hope you end up enjoying The Gilded Wolves, I loved it so much!! Pop culture references can truly be so relatable πŸ₯°

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I love The Chosen One trope so much, and like you said, when they change it a little and make an “unchosen one” it’s just so cool!!!!! I can’t help but love books with that One Special (stressed) Human lol :’)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Loved reading your answers! I’m also really excited for Cemetery Boys.
    And that’s sad about Kingdom of Souls, it’s always really annoying when the marketing promises one thing and then the book becomes another just as you’re getting into the story…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love this tag so much, might need to do it.. hope I’ll have the time. Anyhow, I read Cemetery Boys basically right after the publication, and it was SO GOOD. I flew through it – I loved the characters and the dynamic between them. Ahh, hope you’ll adore it! Forbidden romance is such a good trope, I love it so much! πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  7. This is such a cute post! I love a good Pumpkin Spice Latte as well but the price is stopping me from consuming it at least twice a week lol. And yes so many people are comparing Six of Crows to The Gilded Wolves but they are actually so different! In my opinion The Gilded Wolves has a little more unique traits that make it stand out more then Six of Crows but both are great books. I’m also excited for Cemetery Boys as well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Amena! I love the Pumpkin Spice Lattes so much, but I also cannot afford them frequently as well, Starbucks is so pricey πŸ˜… I agree! The Gilded Wolves has such different aspects and I wish more people would realize that. I hope we both enjoy Cemetery Boys! πŸ₯°

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Loved this post! πŸ’• While I still love the PSL and can’t wait to get it next time I go out of town, I can’t turn down a nice cup of homemade hot cocoa or cup of coffee for that matter lol. But the PSL or anything from Starbucks for that matter is a treat that I can’t resist

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Ahhh love all the tags!! ICONIC!! And also reading all your answers. Unfortuneatly this time I havrn’t read any of these ones yet, but literally am so excited about all of them. I’m so keen on Kingdom of Souls and I’ve been hearing such great things about The Gilded Wolves series. And literally CANNOT WAIT to get my hands on Cemetery Boys *insert heart eyes*

    Also definitely agree on the pop culture references. Agh it is just SO FRUSTRATING when its done wrong in books and unfortuneately I’ve only seen it done right in a few books. So eh idk, I do like them but most of the time its cringe. : (

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Ruby! πŸ’• I hope you end up liking The Gilded Wolves, it’s such a fantastic book and I loved the mystery, riddles, and treasure hunting vibes! πŸ₯° Cemetery Boys sound so good, I hope we both end up liking it! πŸ‘»

      The references definitely have to fit naturally into the story, otherwise, it quickly gets overwhelming and sometimes even a bit cringey πŸ˜…

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Ahh this tag looks so fun and now I want a pumpkin spice latte so bad! πŸ˜­πŸŽƒ
    Fully agree with your take on The Gilded Wolves and that not every heist book should be compared to SoC. They’re both wonderful books in their own way! And now could not be a more perfect time to read Cemetery Boys – hope you love it! πŸ’€

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Same! I haven’t been able to get a Pumpkin Spice Latte without a Starbucks nearby yet, but I hope to do so in October! πŸŽƒπŸ™
      So happy to hear that you agree! I actually enjoy getting new heist stories and try not to compare them too much to other books. Thank you! Cemetery Boys is the perfect October read πŸ‘»


  11. Such a fun tag! I actually have never tried Pumpkin Spice Latte before, because I’m not a fan of coffee, but I am planning to eat more pumpkin flavored foods this autumn!
    I also can’t wait for The Tower of Nero! Fingers crossed it won’t disappoint!
    And yay for Cemetery Boys! My library hold just came in and I will start it soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pumpkin Spice Lattes are definitely not for everyone, but I’m happy to hear that you’re going to be trying out other pumpkin-spiced food! πŸŽƒ I hope we both enjoy The Tower of Nero! So excited to hear that you’ll be reading Cemetery Boys soon! πŸ₯°

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Ah this is such a fun tag, I love it! It makes me sad that The Gilded Wolves is getting some mixed reviews and I really, really am not a fan of the whole comparison game, either. Both books are different and can really stand on their own! ❀

    Liked by 1 person

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