Book Posts

Books I Put on Hold & Want to pick up again β€

Hello fellow bookworms ❀ Do you ever get that feeling when you're just not in the right mood to read this particular book? I never used to consider myself a mood reader, but in the previous years, my reading moods have become an important influence on my enjoyment of a book. Back in the day… Continue reading Books I Put on Hold & Want to pick up again β€

Book Tags

Anti TBR Tag πŸ“• All about the books I don’t want to read

Hello fellow bookwormsΒ πŸ“•Β Β Today I come to you with another Tag that I saw a couple of months back on Lais @ thebookishskies blog! It's the Anti TBR Tag all about the books or authors that we have no interest in reading or the series we no longer wanted to finish. I really liked the questions… Continue reading Anti TBR Tag πŸ“• All about the books I don’t want to read


Arc Review: Secrets of Camp Whatever by Chris Grine πŸ‘» A not so normal summer camp

Goodreads – Amazon  β€“ Book Depository CW's: Ableist Comments (challenged) Representation 🌷 Deaf MC, Black SC Perfect for fans of Lumberjanes and Brain Camp, there’s more than mosquitos at Camp Whatever and Willow will need to face truths about herself and her family as summer camp dread goes head to head with the supernatural. Eleven year-old Willow doesn't want… Continue reading Arc Review: Secrets of Camp Whatever by Chris Grine πŸ‘» A not so normal summer camp