Book Posts · Top 5 Wednesday

Trope Talk: Books I liked with Tropes I usually hate


Hello fellow bookworms 📚 It’s time for another Top Five Wednesday, which is a weekly meme which was created by Lainey and is now hosted by Sam! This week’s topic is Books you Liked with Tropes you Usually Hate so the idea is that we should “Pick some of your most hated tropes and discuss books (or other media) that actually handled that trope well” which is such a cool topic to talk about!

I have never really talked about the Tropes that I hate or the bookish Pet Peeves I have on here, so I’m very excited to finally touch upon this topic! I choose only 3 instead of 5 tropes, as there are a lot of tropes that I hate but that I find irredeemable and never ever like in books! Then there are the tropes that a lot of people seem to hate (or have grown tired off) like The Chosen one or Special Snowflakes, but I’m more neutral on them and there are a lot tropes I hate much more.

Trenn Kopie

Childhood Friends to Lovers

Why I Usually hate this Trope

  • Please don’t hate me but I was never really fond of this trope, even though lately I have found a lot of books that do this very well! I guess I just had some bad experiences in the past that have stuck with me!
  • Mostly I hated when it was used as a part of a love triangle, as there is usually the Best Friend, who has been secretly in love with the Main Character ever since they were little, but never actually stands a chance.
  • Generally I don’t really like it when a girl and boy have been friends for years but then of course there has to be something romantic between them. It’s sad to see how often there HAS to be a romantic connection between girls and boys, as they never seem to be able to be friends and nothing else.

Good Examples


Winter 📚 The PRINCESS AND HER GUARD trope is the best usage of this trope!! Jacin loves no one but his princess and his devotion is so cute, he risked everything to see her again even punishment and possible execution. He tries so hard to pretend that he’s only a friend to Winter and is good at holding back his feelings, but he loves her and as we’ve seen would do anything to keep her safe, because she’s his everything. Furthermore, Jacin helps her through her hallucinations and never calls her any slurs. He is careful not to touch her at other times … but like Winter sure wants him too.

The Brightsiders 📚 Emmy and Alfie totally rocked that Trope! I adored their friendship and loved to see how it turned into love. However, their relationship is far from easy. Emmy has had a rough time and is recovering, but she also begins to care for Alfie differently than she has before. He is her best friend and has always been there for her through it all. He is her sanctuary, but now she feels herself very attracted to him romantically. Alfie himself seems interested and when they both go on a vacation things start to get steamy between them. There are lots of kisses and mutual pinning. Emmy and Alfie love teasing each other and explore their feelings in secrets.

The Problem with Forever 📚 I could not help but love the two of them together! They do have a solid friendship and it was so sweet to see how supportive Rider was of her. It was clear how much he valued her and how he always made sure that she truly wanted to do things unlike her parents, who pushed her to do stuff. It’s very clear from the beginning, that there is romantic love between them as well and the buildup for that was really good. It’s shown that both truly see each other in a different light after those 4 years apart. They are teenagers now, they have grown up and now there is the possibility of seeing each other as a love interest.

Trenn Kopie

Insta Love

Why I hate this Trope

  • It’s plain unrealistic, at least in my opinion. I don’t believe in love at first sight and most of the time insta-love has the characters confessing their undying love after just a few hours/days. Of course there is instant chemistry or attraction, but being in love after a few hours? You hardly know the other person.
  • That’s another thing: you need to get to know each other before you can even know if this person is the right one for you. Immediately being like “I can’t live without you” is hardly a healthy behavior to show.
  • I also cannot believe that these romances would ever survive in real life as they aren’t based on having any similarities or shared experiences.

Good Examples


Cress 📚 Cress & Throne’s relationship was so very well done. What I loved is that we clearly see that Cress is instantly crushing on him and dreaming about their future because she has never really developed any romantic relationship and is latching onto the first person that fits her daydreams. Thorne even acknowledges this, but is gentle with her and protecting her against this new world that they both enter. Cress being all dreamy for him just fit in perfectly with her past and how she had been so isolated. Therefore her huge crush made sense AND both do take a journey together, where they get to know each other better and have to work together. Their dynamic continued to amaze me and keep me entertained for the entire book.

Passenger 📚 I was shipping both of them from pretty much the beginning, because Etta and Nicholas have great chemistry. They are a case were an instant attraction & chemistry was there, but not the extreme instant love like we usually see. Instead their relationship was explored slowly and I loved how it was portrayed. Of course there were secrets between them, but they talked to each other. Etta and Nicholas agree to be partners, equals and work so well together. There is lots of consent between them, which I really liked seeing! They are fundamentally different, but that makes their dynamic all the more interesting.

Trenn Kopie

Love Triangle

Why I hate this Trope

  • This trope always annoys me and honestly has been done well only the two times I mentioned below. There are Love Triangles that I just feel neutral about, but I still find them so unnecessary.
  • I hate Love Triangles because they are only used to build drama for the plot and there are certainly other ways to do so. I often find Love Triangles to be lazy and the fact that they appeared so much and are still used a lot made me so sick of them.
  • I also hate how they are all about jealousy and competing among the love interests, this never ends well. Often they also overtake the actual story and nothing angers me more than the Main Character being so indecisive.
  • Not to mention that this Trope is often done the exact same way with a ‘brooding bad guy’ and a ‘nice guy, who probably is the best friend’. The problem here is that I almost always hate one love interest, but still have to read about them and their pining for the main character. There is often no dynamic between the three characters, only jealousy.

Good Examples


The Infernal Devices 📚 I think we can all mostly agree that Jem/Tess/Will is like the only love triangle that was ever done well. The reason why they work for me as a constellation is because they have a great dynamic and are basically all in love with each other. Will and Jem are best friends, they are parabatai and love each other dearly, which you never have with two love interests. All three of them have respect for each other and work well together, which is also why I liked every one of them. What a Love Triangle should do is make you root for both characters and here that worked! (When usually it doesn’t, as I never like the love interests equally.)

Labyrinth Lost 📚 I just read this last weekend and I was surprised by how well done the love triangle was. What I liked here is that we finally have some variety with the love triangle as it’s between a girl + another girl + another boy! While the book overall could have been stronger when it came to characters, plots and relationships, I still thought the Love Triangle was decent. I liked both love interests and while they definitely fought, we also saw them teasing and having a separate dynamic. Generally, all three characters worked well together.

Talk Kopie

What Tropes do you hate in books? Have there been good examples of them?

36 thoughts on “Trope Talk: Books I liked with Tropes I usually hate

  1. I agree about Labyrinth Lost – it could have been stronger (I liked it enough to continue the series and Bruja Born is one of my favorite books I’ve read this year) but the love triangle wasn’t boring at all. I only care about love triangles when they are not all made of straight people; I’ve read enough of those.
    I’m also not the biggest fan of friends to lovers, for the same reasons, but I haven’t read any of the books you listed for that trope. One that got it right for me was Anna-Marie McLemore’s When the Moon Was Ours. Great list!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really liked it, but I would have loved if it has been stronger in certain aspects. And the Love Triangle was interesting and finally had a different constellation! But I like hearing that you loved the second book so much! 🙂 I wasn’t the biggest fan of Lula in Labyrinth Lost, so I was a bit nervous.
      Oh I haven’t read any Anna-Marie McLemore yet! Thank you 🙂

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  2. I actually shamefully enjoy love triangles. I like rooting for one person over the other and trying to figure out who will win. However, it pisses me off so much when the person I’m rooting for doesn’t win…. *cough* Grisha Trilogy *cough*

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  3. Lovely list! I’m not a big fan of any of these tropes, but I totally agree that Labyrinth Lost got love triangles right and that the instalove in Cress actually makes sense in the circumstances. Clearly I need to read The Brightsiders, cause the romance sounds adorable 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I was surprised by how well Labyrinth Lost did the Love Triangle, I usually end up hating on part of the love triangle, but here I actually liked all the characters 🙂 The Insta Love in Cress really made sense and that’s what I loved so much! It’s such a good book and the characters and relationships are so pure! 😍

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  4. I’ll admit it, I was a bit sad when I saw the childhood friends trope hahaha, but I have to say that I agree with you for part of it : it is frustrating to see how many times childhood friends are turned into lovers when they could just, stay friends just as well. Friendship IS AMAZING after all 😀 ❤ I really loved the romance with Jace and Winter ❤ ❤
    Great choices! 😀


    1. I feel like with this Trope … I have recently seen so many good examples that I cannot even count it as a hated Trope anymore, I just remembered another instance where it was done so well 🙂 I do want more friends that stay friends though! yeeees those two are just perfect ❤
      Thank you, Marie! 🙂

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  5. Insta love and love triangles are two tropes I am really not a fan of, but the books you featured that are exceptions to the rule for you are the same for me. 😀 Cress is probably my joint favourite book in The Lunar Chronicles series, and I loved the Passenger duology and Etta and Nicholas together. Also I’ve always said when it comes to love triangles the one in TID trilogy is the only one I’ve read that was done right. It’s like you said because they’re all in love with each other it works so well.
    Great post, and you featured some great books too. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cress was REALLY good, the Series has developed a lot over the course of all books 🙂 Omg I’m so excited that you loved Etta and Nicholas!! 😍 I feel like I don’t know a lot of people who have read Passenger to be honest 😮 It’s really the fact that there is not a lot of jealousy here that makes the Love Triangle so great! I hate when the Love Triangle has a lot of petty jealousy :/
      Thank you, Beth! ❤

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      1. Yeah I don’t see many people who have read the Passenger duology either, but I really want to try and re-read it this year actually.
        Same, it’s the jealously that makes me hate love triangles because I feel like the plot spends too long focusing on it.
        That’s all right! 🙂 ❤️

        Liked by 1 person

  6. WHAT? I love friend to lover trope, it’s cute to see how they developed! And I kinda like love triangle, only if they’re well written. But I totally hate insta-love.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I generally like Friends to Lovers, but specifically Childhood Friends to Lovers has bothered me – However, recently I read so many great books with that Trope! 🙂 I’m the same, I can only stand Love Triangles if they are well written!

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  7. It’s a universal truth that Infernal Devices has the best love triangle 😍😍😍
    Interesting post… I have to checked some of these books …

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  8. I don’t really think that I’ve trope that I hae because i think that every trope can be done good. More than I trope i would call it some kind of law for every young adult: why people always fall in love? Like, I see this in real life (people that go out and immediatly found someone they like and then start a relationship with) but also there are people more like me. I need to see more singles and being okay with that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a pretty good viewpoint that I hadn’t considered yet! 🙂
      Oh my god YES! I totally feel you, because often there are not a lot of stories in YA about people just being single and not immediately getting into a relationship or wanting to get into one. As I’m currently Single (and have no intention to change that), it would be nice to read a book where the main character is totally fine with being Single!

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  9. Yea I love childhood friends to lovers although I do agree that not all of them need to be romantic. I also hate insta-love so much but a good example is The Star-Touched Queen! Even though I didn’t even notice it but yes it is but it’s so good XD I like love triangles to an extent but definitely a really good love triangle is The Infernal Devices. I still have to read Clockwork Princess though!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Star-Touched Queen was sooo great, it wasn’ the most obvious Insta-Love, but generally I just loved the couple so much and the book overall ♥ Have you read the companion novel A Crown of Wishes? Oh I hope you get to Clockwork Princess then! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I have read A Crown of Wishes and it was amazing! I really want to get to Aru Shah and the End of Time. Even if it’s a middle grade, I feel like Roshani Chokshi is my auto-buy author!

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    2. I feel like I’m going to read a lot of middle grade this year because I’m loving Furthermore and I got a bunch of middle grade reads at the library that I’m excited to read!

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