Book Tags

Anti TBR Tag 📕 All about the books I don’t want to read

Anti TBR Tag

Hello fellow bookworms 📕  Today I come to you with another Tag that I saw a couple of months back on Lais @ thebookishskies blog! It’s the Anti TBR Tag all about the books or authors that we have no interest in reading or the series we no longer wanted to finish. I really liked the questions and from time to time I also like to reflect on what I don’t want to read as opposed to what books I’m excited for. As always, these are just the books/authors I’m not personally interested in, and some of them I might give a chance in the future, as you never know. The book was created by Nicole @ Nicole & Her Books!

Let’s start!!


1. A popular book EVERYONE loves that you have no interest in reading?

➽ I have to agree with Lais and say The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang. It has become a super popular series everyone loves and recommends, be it on the blog or on Twitter, which I’m happy about. However, I just know that this isn’t the book series for me as a very emotionally invested reader. It has some pretty heavy triggers and overall seems to be a very dark and emotionally draining series. I just cannot do that very Dark Fantasy, especially with all the content warnings, so I know that I definitely will not read the books. I’m happy that so many people love them though, as we need more diverse books in Adult Fantasy! As so many people seem to love it, I’d say go for it, if you’ve read the trigger warnings!


2. A classic book (or author) you don’t have an interest in reading?

➽ It would be easier to mention a classic book I AM interested in reading. But I do have a specific book in mind. I tried reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte a couple of times when I was still in high school … and I never managed to push myself to finish it. It was honestly so dry and boring to me, and I couldn’t find the motivation to force myself to finish it. I also wasn’t that into the premise and all the manipulation later on, which is probably also why I don’t tend to find Jane Eyre retellings to be very appealing. I don’t think I’ll try this book again! 😴


3. An author whose books you have no interest in reading?

Libba Bray immediately came to mind, as there was quite a lot of hype around the Diviners series. However, I was never interested in reading it despite all the rave reviews and haven’t felt compelled to pick up her other series. I’ve also heard mixed things about how she writes certain minorities and generally have heard her books include a lot of slurs/offensive language. That’s actually really sad as she writes Historical Fiction and Fantasy, a combination I really like 😔

➽ Another popular Fantasy author I never got into was Morgan Rhodes. I never read her Falling Kingdoms series, as I wasn’t interested in it and heard the series goes downhill from readers who loved it. She’s an author I would consider reading something from if I was interested in an upcoming release, but for now, she has no books out that pull me towards them. This might have been different if I had read her books around the time they came out, meanwhile now I’m interested in other Fantasy books 📚


54. An author you have read a couple of books from & have decided their books are not for you?

Katharine McGee comes to mind, as I read the first two books in her Thousandth Floor series … and there was so much Bury Your Gays, I couldn’t believe it. The premise of a futuristic high society was so cool, but as I said, the queer characters were treated horribly and them not getting their happy ending twice was concerning. I also heard that the second American Royals book has a completely polarizing ending, so I don’t think I’ll read more books by her. The thing I hate is second books suddenly turning everything that happened upside down, so I probably wouldn’t like it as well.

➽ I only read one book by Naomi Novik but I hated it so much, so I don’t think I’ll read any of her books, especially as her newest series was criticized for containing harmful stereotypes and generally being iffy. The book I hated by her was Uprooted, which is quite well-beloved. I DNF’d it after 50% because it really grated on my nerves with the slow pacing and the love interest. The amount of verbal abuse surprised me and made me question why The Dragon was supposed to be seen as a valid love interest. There’s victim-blaming later on as well, and it all rubbed me the wrong way, so I stopped reading 😅


5. A genre you have no interest in OR a genre you tried to get into & couldn’t?

Thriller, Crime & Horror is the holy trinity of genres I don’t read because I’m a scaredy-cat. I did read some light YA/MG Horror books last October for Halloween and I like some mystery books, but I’ll never be the person who is into crime novels or psychological thrillers. And I definitely cannot do Adult Horror a la Stephen King as it’s much more than I can handle 😅


6. A book you have bought but will never read? (this can be a book you have unhauled/returned to the library unread)

➽ A book that comes to mind is Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare. I have given up on reading Cassandra Clare’s books as I don’t find them interesting anymore, so I unhauled my copy of Lady Midnight and gave it to a friend. I was trying to give this series a chance as I heard it’s much better than TMI, but then I realized that I didn’t want to spend any more time on the Shadowhunter books. I would much rather read books that I was more excited about, thus the unhaul.

➽ I also gave away Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman. I wanted this to be another adventure into Adult books, but I read the beginning and … hated the book. I couldn’t get Eleanor as a character at all and honestly thought she was rude and judgemental. There is a difference between having no social skills and being nasty to the people around you, and I sadly couldn’t see anything redeeming about Eleanor’s behavior 😅 I knew that I would get angry reading about her the entire book, so I let it go.


7. A series you have no interest in reading OR a series you started & have dnf’d?

➽ It’s hard to talk about series I’m not interested in reading, as sometimes I change my mind. I think here I’ll go with Nevernight by Jay Kristoff. I did read the Illuminae Files which Kristoff co-authored with Amie Kaufman, but I have no intentions of reading his other books. Nevernight seems to be popular in Adult Fantasy, but I never had any interest in it, specifically as I heard the female main character is obviously written by a male gaze. I also just didn’t get excited by the synopsis and would rather read a different book to get me into Adult Fantasy. Though I loved Skyward, I probably also won’t read the Mistborn series, as it looks super long and doesn’t appeal to me.

➽ I have a lot of unfinished/DNF’d series, but one I’m really sad about is Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco. I liked the first book but then accidentally spoiled myself for something that happened in book 3 which completely soured my mood. There are certain tropes I cannot stand and this was one of them, so I didn’t want to read book 2, just to inevitably dislike book 3. [spoiler]In case you’re interested this was about the cheating plotline I heard takes place during the third book, with the main character being drawn to a new love interest and emotionally (not sure if physically) cheating on her love interest, while pretending she cannot talk to him for plot reasons. I hate that trope so much, especially if it’s not really addressed again.[/spoiler] Other popular series I won’t be finishing include The Folk of Air by Holly Black, The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare, Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas, and An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir.


8. A new release you have no interest in reading?

➽ Sadly I have to say These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong here, as I’ve seen a lot of hype and love for the book. I’d love to join in the hype (though this book wasn’t really on my radar before) but I’m worried about the content warnings, which is why I’m actually glad people take the time to mention them. There seems to be some body horror and most importantly insects, which are two things I cannot handle if there’s a big focus on, so I think I’ll skip out on this one. I’m still happy so many people seem to love the book though!

➽ I also don’t plan on reading any Karen McManus books (The Cousins was most recently released in December) now that I think of it. She writes YA mystery/thriller but like I said, it’s not really a genre I reach for often and I heard mixed things about her books so far. Yet I see her books on lists literally everywhere. Sadly I’m also not drawn to her books and their premises, so I don’t think she’ll be an author I reach for in the future.


I’m Tagging

Divider2 (2)What popular books are you not interested in reading? What genre could you never get into? Any series you’ve given up on? 📕

28 thoughts on “Anti TBR Tag 📕 All about the books I don’t want to read

  1. Nooo not Stalking Jack the Ripper!! 😭I respect it though. Totally get where you’re coming from w/ The Poppy War, it’s such a heavy and dark story that it can absolutely be draining. I’m also kinda in the same boat w/ Cassie Clare, I’ve always loved her books but her recent releases have been kinda…meh for me? Loved reading your answers for this tag! ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m still thinking about Stalking Jack the Ripper from time to time, but I’m not sure about the series though I really liked the first book 😔 I do want to read the author’s newest release though!! Did you end up liking the series? After falling out of love with Cassie’s books, I haven’t been that invested in the Shadowhunters universe anymore, though I still like the Infernal Devices! Thank you!! ❤


  2. I’m not really that interested in The Poppy War either. I can usually handle dark books, but that one sounds like a little too much for me. And I’m kind of on the fence about These Violent Delights because I don’t like Romeo and Juliet so retellings of that story just don’t interest me at all, but it does sound interesting. This is a fun tag, I may have to do it sometime! 😀

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    1. I’m generally not good with handling very dark and tough books and this one seems even darker than usual, with many people saying it emotionally wrecked them 😱 I’m not big on Romeo and Juliet retellings as well, though These Violent Delights seems like it might be putting a unique spin on it! I would love to read your answers 🥰


  3. Thank you for tagging me, this came just in time as I was out of ideas on what to post. 😅
    Finally someone who also DNF’d Uprooted!! Omg, I hated that book so much! It was unbearably slow and the mental abuse and the way that character treated that girl was so bad…
    I’m sorry you didn’t like Eleanor Oliphant! It was one of my favourite books a few years ago and it has a twist that blew my mind but I get why the main character might not appeal to a lot of people.
    I agree with the rest of the books you mentioned, I also have no interest in them!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Excited to read your answers to the Tag! 🥰 Yes!! Finally someone who also didn’t like Uprooted 🙌 I heard so much hype for this book, but hated the Dragon so much!! He was honestly so horrible to the main character and it really put me off :/
      Yes, I feel like Eleanor Oliphant wasn’t the book for me, so I gave it to a friend, who will hopefully enjoy it more than me!

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  4. yay, caro, i’m so happy you decided to answer this tag! i think that the poppy war and these violent delights are two series i’m happy to see becoming more and more popular because they’re diverse and most importantly own-voices, but i completely understand them just having too many triggers. i felt the same way about all boys aren’t blue by george m. johnson. it sounds like a beautiful book and i was happy to see so many people reading it, but sadly there are way too many topics i can’t handle and i don’t think i feel comfortable for the time being reading it. the good thing is that there’s always the future & i can change my mind and feel better about reading certain things a few years from now!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Both series are so beloved but I generally tend to avoid books with heavy triggers, so I’ll have to pass on them! I still plan on reading All Boys Aren’t Blue, but will definitely look up the content warnings as I’ve heard that it’s a very emotional and sad book at times. It has also happened to me that I ended up reading (and loving) books I didn’t plan on reading, that’s always a nice surprise ❤

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  5. i have this same tag sitting in my drafts but your answers were so much better than mine haha! i’m very 👀👀 at what you said about libba bray, because i hadn’t heard about the slurs/offensive language used in her books amongst a lot of the mostly positive things i heard about the diviners! and not reading books because of its triggers is definitely understandable ❤ i was pretty surprised by what happened in these violent delights, though i was lucky to have a few warnings before going in. and i read about 40 pages of nevernight before quitting because it was so utterly boring — and i'm glad i never finished, hearing about how the mc was written! great post, i had a lot of fun reading it ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’d love to read your answers, May! ❤ I can only go on what I’ve heard about her books and was disappointed to see that there is some iffy content in her historical fiction books 😅 It’s always good to be able to prepare yourself for certain heavy topics, which is why appreciate content warnings so much! There is a lot of hype for Nevernight, but I just know it won’t be for me 😂 Thank you so much!! ❤

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  6. Ohh this looks like a great tag, thanks so much for tagging me! 😀

    I’m interested in reading The Poppy War, but I definitely think I have to wait for the right time because of all of the trigger warnings. Hopefully someday! I wasn’t a huge fan of Uprooted either, which has made me hesitant to pick up Naomi Novik’s other books as well. And yep, I’m right on the same page with you about thriller/crime/horror books! I’m too much of a scaredy-cat for that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would love to read your answers! 🥰
      Oh yes, whenever I do read a darker book I need to pick the right time in order to emotionally process it! I’m not sure I’ll give Naomi Novik another chance, as I’ve heard such mixed things about her other books 😅 I have tried out some thriller books, but not the truly scary ones 😂


  7. OMG! I LOVE this Tag, thank you SO much for tagging me, beautiful, you definitely have unpopular opinions here and I’m all for them!! 👏🏻👏🏻😍✨ Seeing that you mentioned The Falling Kingdoms series makes me feel so nostalgic, I LOVE that series, but I think if I would read it now maybe I would think it’s kind of cheesy 😅
    I’m so sorry for the late reply, I haven’t had time to catch up, but little to little I’m doing it. 😊 I love you, keep up the wonderful work you do ❤️❤️

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    1. I would love to read your answers, Sofii!! 🥰 ❤ I feel like I would have liked The Falling Kingdoms books if I had read them back when they came out! I’m still open to reading any new book by the author, as she seems to be a beloved Fantasy author 😊 It’s okay! I’m only now coming back from my hiatus and I’m excited to be interacting with you again!! Sending lots of love 💕🥰

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  8. Ah I love this post so much Caro and it makes me feel less alone, too! I don’t think I can handle reading the Poppy War at ALL ahah. I’m still on the fence about These Violent Ends, because I’m a bit uncertain about the trigger warnings, too.
    Loved this post! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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