Book Posts

#goodreadance 2021 goals πŸƒ Time for some Organizing


Hello fellow bookworms πŸƒI’m a huge planner/organizer so I’m very excited that the Spring Cleaning in September Challenge/#goodreadance is coming back for another year! This is a Challenge hosted by Shealea @ Shut Up Shealea that I participated in last year and had a lot of fun with! It’s dedicated to cleaning up your Goodreads shelves and generally doing some spring cleaning (but in fall), which I always find calming and mindful. In 2021 the challenge is running from September to November, so I’ll be done cleaning and organizing just in time for the impending new year πŸ˜„ Today I’m doing a sign up post and sharing what goals I’ll be hoping to accomplish in the upcoming months ❀

Time to do some cleaning!


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Update Want to Read & Maybe Shelves πŸƒ

➽ The first starting point in cleaning up Goodreads is always to update my Want to Read and Maybe Shelves! My TBR shelf isn’t as big as it used to be (I do regularly go through it), but I still want to remove the books that I’ve lost interest in/won’t really get to and add books that I’m actually excited about πŸ₯° I’ll do the same with my Maybe shelf: completely remove books I don’t want to read any longer and move books that have kept my interest to my Want to Read shelf!

Add priority books to my 2022 releases shelf πŸƒ

➽ 2022 is already looming on the horizon which means it’s time to add the first 2022 releases to my TBR 😱 I already have my 2022-releases shelf on Goodreads but right now it’s only housing 10 titles, as I haven’t actively looked for what books (both debuts and from beloved authors) I’m anticipating in the upcoming year. Therefore, the goal is to add what books I’m most excited for in 2022, so I have some already on my radar. As the year draws to a close there will be more hype, announcements or concrete infos on more books, so that’s when I’ll add the second batch of books to my shelf πŸ˜„

Edit GR shelves // Create two seasonal shelves πŸƒ

➽ This shouldn’t take long but I want to edit my Goodreads shelves. That means deleting shelves I no longer need, renaming a couple of them and creating new ones when needed. I don’t like to have too many shelves, so I’m curating which ones I really need! A definite plan is to create fall/winter shelves as I love doing seasonal readings and want to have an overview of Read Books & those still on my TBR πŸ‚

I’m very excited for all my autumnal reading!

Unhaul Physical Books πŸƒ

➽ Another big project is unhauling some physical books from my shelves! I’m currently at home for my semester break and while my shelf at University mostly reflect my favorites (+ my Physical TBR), the shelf back home has books I no longer want. These are books that I didn’t like or wasn’t impressed by, haven’t read but lost interest in and books I actually liked but don’t feel the need to keep on my shelves. I want my bookshelves to be more curated and an actual representation of what books I love the most, so some books simply need to go! I’ll give these books to friends or sell them, so I’m also creating new shelf space that I desperately need πŸ“š

Write all Overdue Reviews until October 2021 πŸƒ

➽ I’m VERY behind when it comes to review writing πŸ˜… I have reviews from April still waiting to be written, because I haven’t kept up with it during my second semester of my Master’s. I only wrote ARC, 5-star and some graphic novel reviews in between April and August, so that means a lot of books not getting reviewed. Truth to be told, I have been very busy, so I mostly prioritized writing content for my blog, keeping up with comments and writing only the most priority reviews. Right now I have around 30 books to review and I’d like to get that done before I go back to Uni in October! I also have to keep in mind that more reviews need to be written for all the new books I’m reading simultaneously! I could of course skip writing certain reviews, but I like to at least write down my impressions of every book I read, so I’m doing my best to get up to date with reviews!


A peak at my ‘To Be Reviewed’ List at the time of writing this post πŸ‘€


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➽ I also have some smaller goals that I’d like to accomplish and should be easy to fulfill. Among these are editing my wishlists (both library and for bookish online shopping), update some of my Goodreads ratings (not many, but some impressions of books have changed over time) and delete Kindle e-books I didn’t like (that’s the nice thing about e-books, you can just remove them from your device). I also need to update my Storygraph Account! I haven’t added any of the books I read since May/June when things got busy and I need to update the tags/shelves. One of the downsides of using multiple platforms for book tracking is that I’ll need to do the changes on GR separately for Storygraph. I think I’ll drastically remove the tags I use and significantly lower my TBR. I still mostly use GR to keep track of things, so Storygraph will only house the books on the very top of my TBR!


Here is what my Storygraph Homepage looks like right now πŸ“š

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Are you participating in the #goodreadance2021? What are your goals? Do you enjoy spring cleaning/organizing? πŸƒ

10 thoughts on “#goodreadance 2021 goals πŸƒ Time for some Organizing

  1. I love cleaning and organising, lol, so this is the perfect post in my eyes! πŸ˜‚
    I wish you good luck with all of your goals!
    I also use two bookish sites, one Hungarian and Goodreads, and it’s a pain in the ass to update both, but I don’t want to neglect either of them. πŸ˜‚ I use the Hungarian one to keep track of my tbr, and I have it under control as one year I drastically cut out every book that I wasn’t interested in anymore. Now I have 73 books, which is not bad in my opinion. On my wish-list I have 60 books, but all of them are already read so I know for sure I would love to own them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So happy to hear that you’re a fellow planner πŸ˜„ Thank you!
      Oh yes the struggles of keeping two bookish sites updated, I’m not good at keeping up with Storygraph at the moment πŸ˜… I have ~ 280 books on my Goodreads TBR but I regularly go through it and delete books I no longer want to read/add ones I’m excited for! I definitely need a wishlist of read books I’d like to own as well πŸ’•

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m also currently working on my Goodreadance goals (and blog post)! I’m the same as you and need to catch up on reviews that I’m very behind on (there are about 10 I need to write), and I’m also planning to unhaul physical books. I hope we both have a productive couple of months and manage to hit our goals!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Excited to hear that you’re also participating – good luck with your goals! 😊 It’s a relief to hear that I’m not the only one behind on reviews, though in my case it’s still about 26 left πŸ˜… I hope we’ll be productive as well! πŸ₯°


  3. This sounds like such a good idea– and so satisfying (especially the unhaul). Goodread shelves can certainly build up. I love the idea of having a maybe shelf, I imagine I could fit a lot of books on that shelf πŸ˜… also a 2022 shelf is very organised and genius!! A few of the books I know for the year already sound amazing!!
    Best of luck with all your goals and good luck with all the reviews you need to write!! πŸ₯°

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I also find cleaning up shelves and unhauling satisfying as it leaves me with only the books I really want to read 😊 I didn’t use to have a Maybe shelf, but I find that it helps me keep track of books that catch my eye but that I don’t want to add to my TBR yet! As we near the end of the year it’s so nice to already look ahead and find out what books are coming in 2022 πŸ₯°
      Thank you so much, Sophie! πŸ’•

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  4. Ooh I wasn’t planning on participating in this challenge, but the idea of cleaning up shelves on GR and Storygraph is tempting me… I definitely need to update my Want to Read shelf at some point.
    Plus, a 2022 anticipated shelf sounds exciting! I’ll have to check yours out once you’ve finished putting it together πŸ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s such a nice idea! I love organizing and cleaning up my shelves, especially towards the end of the year πŸ˜„ Aw thank you! πŸ’• My 2022 shelf is still sparse but I think it’ll fill with more books towards the end of the year. I think a lot of synopsis/covers/titles are still getting revealed 😊

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