Book Posts

Did I read the books I hauled in 2023? πŸ“š

2023 Haul Checkin

Hello fellow bookworms πŸ“š Today I’m reflecting back on what books I hauled in 2023! I don’t usually do book hauls but I wanted to figure out how many of the books I hauled, I actually ended up reading! I tracked this in my Notion throughout the year, so I used this overview for the post! Though I read fewer books compared to 2022, I’m still happy with my progress. I hauled fewer books in 2023, therefore it was much easier to read most of them. I’m trying to read books – especially physical ones – in a more timely manner, instead of waiting years to get to them. I only included the covers for the books I haven’t read, so if any of them is your favorite, let me know πŸ‘€

πŸ’« Index πŸ’«

  • πŸ“± = E-book (Kindle)
  • πŸ“š = Physical Book
  • 🎁 = Gifted to Me
  • πŸ” = Books I already read, but wanted a copy of


Kopie von Vigilatte Cafe (14)

Prince of the Sorrows by Kellen Graves

  1. ❌ Prince of Sorrows (Kellen Graves) πŸ“±
  2. βœ… A Gentle Noble’s Vacation Recommendation 1 (Momochi, Misaki, Sando) πŸ“±
  3. βœ… Mysteries of Thorn Manor (Margaret Rogerson) πŸ“š

➽ There’s still a book on my TBR that I hauled all the way back in January! I managed to read my preorder of Mysteries of Thorn Manor, a companion book to Sorcery of Thorns that I loved πŸ’– I checked out Prince of Sorrows during a Kindle sale and even though I hadn’t heard much about it, the premise seemed like fun! It features fairies and I’m hoping to read it when I’m in the mood for some Fantasy Romance!


Kopie von Vigilatte Cafe (15)

  1. βœ… Spy x Family Vol 9. (Tatsuya Endo) πŸ“š
  2. βœ… The Screaming Staircase (Jonathan Stroud) πŸ“š
  3. βœ… The Dagger in the Dark (Jonathan Stroud) πŸ“±

➽ I managed to read all of my February books! I’m always eager to read the latest Spy x Family Volume and I immediately picked it up at the bookstore. I also watched the Lockwood & Co. Netflix series, so I bought the first book (and a novella) in order to check out the source material! I loved the book as much as the show πŸ₯°


Kopie von Vigilatte Cafe (16)

  1. βœ… The Sad Ghost Club Vol. 3 (Lize Meddings) πŸ“š

➽ I only hauled one book in March and it was a graphic novel! I love the Sad Ghost Club books, so I had to preorder the latest volume πŸ’– Obviously, I ended up immediately reading it when it came in the mail!


Kopie von Vigilatte Cafe (17)

  1. βœ… Ghost 19 (Simone St. James) πŸ“±
  2. βœ… Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries (Heather Fawcett) πŸ“šπŸŽπŸ”
  3. βœ… Atomic Habits (James Clear) πŸ“šπŸŽπŸ”
  4. βœ… The Whispering Skull (Jonathan Stroud) πŸ“šπŸŽ
  5. βœ… The Hollow Boy (Jonathan Stroud) πŸ“šπŸŽ
  6. βœ… The Creeping Shadow (Jonathan Stroud) πŸ“šπŸŽ
  7. βœ… The Empty Grave (Jonathan Stroud) πŸ“šπŸŽ

➽ April is my birthday month, so I hauled more books than usual! Most of them were birthday gifts from my family. Since I loved the Lockwood & Co series and started reading it, I ended up getting the remaining books! I also got two books that I enjoyed and wanted a copy of πŸ₯° I ended up reading all the books I got!


Kopie von Vigilatte Cafe (18)

Spells for Forgetting by Adrienne Young

  1. ❌ Spells for Forgetting (Adrienne Young) πŸ“±
  2. βœ… A Gentle Noble’s Vacation Recommendation 2 (Momochi, Misaki, Sando) πŸ“±
  3. βœ… Green Rising (Lauren James) πŸ“±
  4. βœ… The Sun and the Star (Rick Riordan) πŸ“š

➽ My May Hauls were a mixed bag! I really enjoyed Green Rising, but was disappointed by The Sun and the Star and the second volume of A Gentle Noble’s Vacation Recommendation (definitely not continuing with the series). I still have yet to read Spells of Forgetting. I haven’t read anything by this author before, but the book sounded intriguing 😊


Kopie von Vigilatte Cafe (19)

Elementary: The Periodic Table Explained by James Russell

  1. βœ… Honey & Spice (Bolu Babalola) πŸ“±
  2. βœ… A Witch’s Guide to Fake Dating a Demon (Sarah Hawley) πŸ“±
  3. ❌ Elementary (James M. Russell) πŸ“±

➽ It’s rare for me to haul a nonfiction book, so maybe that’s why I haven’t read it yet! I used to major in Chemistry back in high school, so Elementary intrigued me from the very beginning. I saw it in a bookstore back in February, but it only went on sale for Kindle in June! I’m planning on reading it this year for sure πŸ˜„



Family Business by Jonathan Sims The Foxglove King by Hannah Whitten

  1. βœ… I Wish You All the Best (Mason Deaver) πŸ“±
  2. ❌ Family Business (Jonathan Sims) πŸ“±
  3. βœ… The Whispering Dark (Kelly Andrews) πŸ“±
  4. βœ… Business or Pleasure (Rachel Lynn Solomon) πŸ“±
  5. βœ… Role Playing (Cathy Yardley) πŸ“±
  6. ❌ The Foxglove King (Hannah Whitten) πŸ“±
  7. βœ… The Secrets of the Stormforest (L.D. Lapinski) πŸ“±

➽ I’m happy with how many of my summer hauls I read!! Remaining on my TBR are Family Business and The Foxglove King. The former is another Jonathan Sims book that I didn’t get around to reading in Autumn because I finally read his debut novel! I loved Thirteen Storeys, so I’m hyped to read Family Business later this year πŸ₯° I heard good things about The Foxglove King, so I’m curious to try it!



  1. βœ… The Haunting of Maddy Clare (Simone St. James) πŸ“±
  2. βœ… Killer Instinct (Jennifer Lynn Barnes) πŸ“±
  3. βœ… One Piece Vol. 1 (Eiichiro Oda) πŸ“š
  4. βœ… Home Before Dark (Riley Sager) πŸ“±

➽ I bought some mystery books in September and I read all of them! I like reading mystery/thriller books in Autumn and managed to read the books I got for the season. I also ended up picking up the first volume of One Piece because I loved the live-action show and now I’m in full-on One Piece mode πŸ˜‚



The Kiss Curse by Erin Sterling A Restless Truth by Freya Marske

  1. βœ… The Midnight Club (Christopher Pike) πŸ“±
  2. ❌ The Kiss Curse (Erin Sterling) πŸ“±
  3. ❌ A Restless Truth (Freya Marske) πŸ“±

➽ I didn’t haul many books in October, but two are still on my TBR! I ended up getting The Kiss Curse after liking The Ex Hex, but wasn’t able to read it in 2023! I also finally got A Restless Truth, the sequel to A Marvellous Light. I hope to tackle both sequels this year, as I’m looking forward to checking out these companion books 😊



The Christmas Letter by Emily Stone Once Upon a December by Amy E. Reichert

  1. βœ… The Hunting Moon (Susan Dennard) πŸ“šπŸ”
  2. βœ… System Collapse (Martha Wells) πŸ“šπŸ”
  3. ❌ The Christmas Letter (Emily Stone) πŸ“±
  4. ❌ Once Upon a December (Amy E. Reichert) πŸ“±
  5. βœ… In the Event of Love (Courtney Kae) πŸ“±

➽ November was a month of preorders for me! I don’t preorder as much as I used to anymore. But I couldn’t help but preorder The Hunting Moon and System Collapse, sequels to two favorite series ❀️ I’d read the Arcs for them before, but really wanted a finished copy and to support the authors!! The only two books I didn’t read this month were two Christmas romances. I didn’t manage to fit them into my December reading plans.



In the Company of Witches by Auralee Wallace

  1. ❌ In the Company of Witches (Auralee Wallace) πŸ“±
  2. βœ… Stepfather Christmas (L.D. Lapinski) πŸ“±
  3. βœ… Spy x Family Vol. 10 (Tatsuya Endo) πŸ“šπŸ”
  4. βœ… Spy x Family Guide (Tatsuya Endo) πŸ“šπŸ”
  5. βœ… Spy x Family: Family Portrait (Tatsuya Endo) πŸ“š
  6. βœ… Komi Can’t Communicate Vol. 1 (Tomohito Oda) πŸ“šπŸ”
  7. βœ… One Piece Vol. 19 (Eiichiro Oda) πŸ“š
  8. βœ… One Piece Vol. 20 (Eiichiro Oda) πŸ“š
  9. βœ… One Piece Vol. 21 (Eiichiro Oda) πŸ“š

➽ December is always the month with the most hauls, because of Christmas gifts! I had a very Manga-heavy Christmas haul this year, as I’ve been getting even more into it since visiting Japan. I got a ton of Spy x Family books, One Piece and Komi Can’t Communicate, three of my favorite series πŸ₯° The only book I haven’t read so far is In the Company of Witches, but I’m saving it for Autumn, as it would be perfect for the season!


In Conclusion

… I hauled 49 books & I read 76.6% of them πŸ“–

➽ What types of books did I buy most? I bought 28 e-books and 21 physical books πŸ“š

➽ Most Books Bought in a Month: December (9 Books) πŸ“š

Divider2 (2)

Have you read all of the books you hauled in 2023? Any books you definitely want to get to this year? Which of these books should I read first? πŸ“š

15 thoughts on “Did I read the books I hauled in 2023? πŸ“š

  1. You did really well at reading most of your hauled books 😍 it is a great idea to track them!
    I’ve heard good things about Prince of Sorrows, I hope you enjoy it!
    It is a shame when a book you brought disappoints, I would have been excited to see more from Nico in the sun and the star.
    I hope you enjoy the unread books from this list πŸ₯°

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Sophie! πŸ’— I was excited about Prince of Sorrows, I’ll check it out when I’m in the mood for a fae story πŸ‘€ I’m still sad about The Sun and the Star, I expected so much more from Nico’s and Will’s story πŸ˜”
      Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is such a great idea for a post and you did a great job at reading most of the books you hauled. I definitely need to work more on reading books when I get them rather than having them sit on my shelf for ages collecting dust

    Liked by 1 person

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