Book Tags

Festive Christmas Book Tag

Festive Christmas Tag

Hello fellow bookworms 🎄 I saw this Tag over at Jessethereader’s Channel and decided to do it as my obligatory seasonal book Tag that I like to do. The Tag was originally created by GirlReading! Let the festiveness begin!


Trenn Kopie

1) A fictional family you would like to spend Christmas dinner with?

🎄 The Weasleys (Harry Potter)

Come on who wouldn’t want to spent Christmas with the Weasleys? It would be a perfect Christmas with them without a doubt because the Weasleys are so open and kind, Molly probably making sure that the dinner is amazing and giving presents to everyone. The atmosphere would be very comfortable and cozy and the focus on family. They might not have the most money, but they would make the best with what they have and there are other things that count like kindness and hospitality!

2) A bookish item you would like to receive as a gift?

🎄 Bookish Subscription Box

Some are probably like: what? But you’ve got to take into consideration that most subscription boxes are from the US, meaning that there’s no way to get them without 5000000 dollars of shipping costs. The closest subscription box is FairyLoot which ships from the UK, but it’s still very expensive, which is why I never had one in my reading life. One day I’ll get my very own box, but it would be indeed a very good Christmas gift for me!

3) A fictional character you think would make a perfect Christmas elf?

🎄 Magnus Bane (TMI) 

I wasn’t really sure who to chose for this question, but I think that Magnus Bane can be used universally for questions like this. He’s the character most likely to dress up like a Christmas elf and give away presents and also to throw the best, most wild Christmas Party. All the glitter would also please Magnus to be sure and with his magic he could actually make it snow this Christmas. I’d definitely need a Magnus in my life.

4) Match a book to it’s perfect Christmas song

🎄 A Christmas Carol + It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

This one was quite hard, because I had no idea which song and book would match but in the end I decided on A Christmas Carol (my favorite classic and favorite story to read in Christmas Time) and It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, because reading A Christmas Carol always puts me in a festive mood. It’s something about both book and movie that makes me really excited for Christmas, so that’s the best match!

5) Bah Humbug. A book or fictional character you’ve been disappointed in and should be put on the naughty list?

🎄 Character: Adam Kent (Shatter Me) 🎄 Book: An Ember in the Ashes (Sabaa Tahir)

It’s no secret that for me An Ember in the Ashes was a huge disappointment, my first ever “not living up to the hype”. I’m still having huge problems with how rape culture was portrayed and in general don’t see any complexity in characters or worldbuilding. Definitely a candidate for the naughty lists, no presents for you book! For character I had many options, because ever since getting into reading again I’ve had some hatred for multiple characters (I might make a post some time in the future where I rage about all the characters that I hate), but no one unnerves me as much as Adam Kent. I’m one of the rare people that hated him from the very beginning (not later in the series), because he is such a jerk and his shitty behavior is romanticized. There are so many things wrong with him … no presents for this naughty boy.

6) A book or a fictional character you think deserves more love and appreciation and deserve to be put on the nice list?

🎄Character: Tina Goldstein (FBAWTFT) 🎄 Book: Red Queen (Victoria Aveyard)

It’s also no secret that I love Red Queen with all my heart and consider it one my favorite book series of all time and constantly try to convince people to give it a try. Yet so many people hate on it, which I find particularly sad, since there is a lack of people to fangirl with. It’s truly exhausting to constantly see people dislike your favorite book, while other books are universally liked by everyone. Therefore, Red Queen has to be put on the nice list. For characters I chose one from a movie, who is Tina Goldstein. So many people don’t really like her and I don’t see nearly enough character love for her. After seeing the movie a second time I begin to like her even more, because she’s a complex character, who is intelligent, determined and loyal. Tina deserves all the presents!

7) Red, Gold and Green. A book cover that has a wonderfully christmasy feel to it.

🎄 My True Love Gave to Me (Anthology)

I only recently read this, because my local library had a copy and I’m down for seasonal reading, especially in December! My True Love Gave to Me is a perfect christmasy holiday read with 12 short stories. I enjoyed many of them very much and they definitely gave off some great festive vibes. I also greatly appreciate how the stories focused around different holidays and featured diverse characters. Apart from one story, all had well developed romances and I only recently noticed that all couples can be seen on the cover! I would highly recommend reading this Anthology to get into the festive mood, it worked greatly for me!

8) A book or series you love so much, you want everyone to find under their Christmas tree this year so they can read it and love it too?

🎄 The Spinster Club Series (Holly Bourne)

I could’ve chosen many books for this question, but I wanted to do one that I think is severely underrated and that is the Spinster Club Series by Holly Bourne. This is hands down in my Top 3 of favorite contemporaries and I think the series does not get enough recognition, which is really sad. These books are so important, because they feature feminism, accurate mental illness representation and super awesome female friendships! I’m actually sad that so many people only focus on the same contemporaries from US authors when there are so many more great out there. So everyone go read this books asap!

I tag the following people (only if you want to!)


🎄 Lia @ lostinastory

🎄 Sophie @ bewareofthereader

🎄 Madgecaffeinatedbibliophile2

🎄 Kathy @ booksandmunches

Talk Kopie

Do you like Christmas? What is a book that always puts you in the festive mood? 🎄

12 thoughts on “Festive Christmas Book Tag

  1. I think I was tagged on this one earlier today, or maybe a similar one. Haven’t had time to check yet 🙂

    Also, I know I asked on my own comment reply, and I know you might already be on our internationals group, but if you’re not, just write me and I will set you up! It’s a really cool group and I’d love to have you there if you’re not already 🙂

    The Weasleys totally work for Christmas 😀 Ron’s mum is just perfect!

    I actually haven’t heard of The Spinster Club Series 🙂 I guess I’ll have to check it out.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I would love to spend Christmas with the Weasleys! (and Hermione). Their home is so cozy, and the family is so loving that it would be a wonderful day. Also, I totally agree with wanting a bookish subscription box under the tree; they are the best presents!

    Liked by 1 person

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