Monthly Wrapups

April Wrapup (& May TBR)

April Wrapup

Hello fellow bookworms 📚 It’s a fact that already 4 months of the year have passed and here I am SCREAMING, because time goes by too fast and mostly the year has been filled with not so great things so #rude. Still I enter each month with the hope that this will be the time things turn better and less stressful (and they have been getting a bit better so don’t worry!). At least my reading has been going great, so that’s a small consolation and in a few weeks I have more than a week off from university, so time to get more reading and Netflix in 😈

Before I ramble on too much, let’s take a look at what April has been like and what things I plan to do in May!

Trenn Kopie

april wrapup2

  1. Cress (Marissa Meyer) 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 📖 RTC!
  2. Saints and Misfits (S.K. Ali) 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 📖 Review
  3. The Nowhere Girls (Amy Reed) 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 📖 Review
  4. Red Queen (Victoria Aveyard) 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 📖 Reread
  5. Glass Sword (Victoria Aveyard) 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 📖 Reread
  6. King’s Cage (Victoria Aveyard) 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 📖 Reread
  7. Cruel Crown (Victoria Aveyard) 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 📖 Reread
  8. The Hidden Oracle (Rick Riordan) 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 📖 Reread
  9. The Dark Prophecy (Rick Riordan) 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 📖 Reread
  10. Stalking Jack the Ripper (Kerri Maniscalco) 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 (4.5) 📖 Review
  11. Starfish (Akemi Dawn Bowman) 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 📖 Review
  12. Song of Blood and Stone (L. Penelope) 🌟 🌟 (2.5) 📖 Review

Average rating 🌟 4.7 Stars

April was a good but a bit stressful reading month. As you can see I still got quite a lot of books read, but that might be because sometimes I need a distraction and turn to books as my lovely friends. This months I read 12 books, but let me tell you – the end of April was when things started stressing me out. But first let’s talk about the positives like the 4.7 average rating that I had in April! I loved almost all books that I read, even though it’s worth mentioning that half the book were actually rereads of favorites, so I knew they were going to turn out to be 5 star reads 😄 However, I also found two unexpected favorites this month – Saints and Misfits as well as The Nowhere Girls. Both were free on Riveted so I could not resist and … actually ended up loving them! With Saints and Misfits it was more of a surprise because I had zero expectations and ended up accidentally reading it in just over 4 hours (don’t ask me how I did that). I highly recommend it! The Nowhere Girls was fantastic as well, but with this one I was hoping to love it, as Lia talks so highly about it and I actually ended up loving it!! (I also loved Cress, okay, but that wasn’t really a surprise 😂) I’m also glad that I ended up really liking the Cursed Book Club BOTM (Book of the Month) Stalking Jack the Ripper! It was my first time joining a book club and while the book wasn’t quite 5 stars, I really had a good time reading it!

Remember how I said that things turned stressful towards the end of April? It was a lot of things coming together at once. University projects, doing Camp NaNo daily, all the blogging stuff and of course reading too. For some reason my April TBR had been growing a lot throughout the month so in the end I was panicking, because there were not even 2 weeks left and there were SO many books I hadn’t gotten to. Many books actually had a deadline like Song of Blood and Stone, as I had a blog tour stop and the Riveted reads were only available until April 30th. Not to mention that I really wanted to read the book club pick in April and not push it to May – somehow I started the book last-minute 😅 So I stressed myself a bit with everything I had yet to read, but in the end I finished book 12 on April 30th, so I managed to fulfill my TBR! But – as you’ll see with my May TBR – I will aim for a shorter TBR next month, because I really don’t want reading for me to become stressful and I do need to work on not stressing myself out or putting pressure on me, like I tend to do.

For this section of my wrapup I’m linking up with the Favorite Blog Posts of the Month Meme that has been created by Kristin @ kristinkravesbooks to showcase our favorite blogs of the month!

  • University has started again and everything was a bit too much. Sadly my break from university could not last forever, so I had to go back on April 9th to study and do work again. It was not a lot of fun (obviously) 😅 Everything was becoming a bit too much like I mentioned before, because I was also doing Camp NaNo, trying to read and keep up with my blog. That combined with having to do a lot for university again was turning stressful real quick, especially as I’m sadly good at putting a lot of pressure on myself. I have two time-intensive exams to write and (what’s scaring me the most) a research project that takes up even more time … and involves talking to humans. Children to be more precise, which is a bit scary given the responsibility I hold for them. I’m hoping to do the testing together with a friend of mine who is also doing the project, because my socially anxious self is a bit scared by this task  😅
  • It was my birthday and that meant getting BOOKS. This is worth mentioning here, because I have been a bit tight on my book buying budget, but for my birthday I have been getting books, gift cards (!!) and money, so my bookworm heart is very happy! That’s all thanks to my wonderful family, who has been treating me with books a lot this time and also spend the day with me eating burgers and going around the city 💕 Here’s a picture of what I got for my birthday – I’m very excited for all of those books!

  • I started doing Yoga! I’m not a very active person, because I have always hated doing sport (particularly in school), but lately I realized that doing something for my body is extremely useful (especially for my back pain). Therefore, I signed up for a beginner’s course somewhere near my flat at university! I’ve already been there 2 times and I can say that I really like it so far, our instructor is very nice and I feel really relaxed after class. It’s also good for my body and the atmosphere in the studio is very homely and comfortable, so I felt very at ease. I can only highly recommend starting Yoga, if you’re not that into doing sports, but still want to do something for your body!
  • Camp NaNo & WIP Joy happened! I’m actually going to post my Camp NaNo wrapup next Friday, so I’m going to talk more in-depth about how I did then, but I did reach my goal! This time I was tracking minutes instead of words, as I was working not only working on finishing my draft but also on planning the sequel. I did both things (I FINISHED A DRAFT!!!), minutes the plotline for book 2, I didn’t get to that yet. I’m very glad that I got a lot for my WIP done as I hadn’t done anything in the months before, but now I fear that I have to take another break until July. I’m just too busy with everything else and in the end I’m a bit relived that Camp NaNo is over – not because I didn’t like it, but because it was getting stressful keeping up with it in the end. I do hope to write a few novellas in the meantime though. I also participated in WIPJoy, which was a month-long meme with different WIP-related questions – I had a lot of fun answering them!
  • Swetlana shared Ace of Shades with me as a part of a traveling book! I still cannot thank her enough for including me in her traveling book with Sandra and giving me the opportunity to read the book! I have never participated in something like that so I loved reading all the comments from my two reading buddies and adding my own! I’ve already received the copy and might have finished it at the time you’re reading this. So again, thank you so so much Swetlana, I cannot tell you how grateful I am! 💕💕💕

  • My underrated fave Rebel Seoul is getting a sequel! If you didn’t know I LOVED Rebel Seoul (described as Pacific Rim meets Korean action dramas) when I got an Arc and read it last year and have been trying to push it on people ever since. The book is extremely underrated and I had actually given up hope for a sequel of any kind, which was sad, since the ending is pretty open. BUT NOW THERE IS A SEQUEL!!! It follows two of the characters from Rebel Seoul (Ama and Alex my faves … though everyone is my fave) and what happened to them after the events of book 1!!! I’M SO EXCITED, READ REBEL SEOUL AND THE SEQUEL PLEASE 😍😍😍

Cover Reveal Montage



may tbr

  1. War Storm (Victoria Aveyard)
  2. Ace of Shades (Amanda Foody)
  3. Leah on the Offbeat (Becky Albertalli)
  4. The Brightsiders (Jen Wilde)

This month my TBR is a bit smaller, because like I mentioned April turned stressful in the end as I wanted to read too many books at once. That’s why I have only 4 books on my May TBR that I really want to get to! Obviously I’m highly anticipating the release of War Storm – the finale in the Red Queen Series – on May 15th, so let’s hope that my pre-order finally arrives on time once 😅 As you can see I have a lot more May releases on my TBR, as I was fortunate enough to get my wish for Leah on the Offbeat granted by the magical Netgalley fairy (which has never happened to me before) and was approved for a blog Tour with the Brightsiders!!! I’m very much in luck with Arcs and SUPER excited for The Brightsiders, because Queens of Geek was one of my favorite books of 2017, so I have pretty high hopes! Last but not last there’s Ace of Shades – the traveling book with Swetlana and Sandra – which I’m MEGA excited for, because I’ve been getting so hyped for this book and finally get to read it! 💕

Apart from my little TBR, I’m going to choose freely what else I want to read this month, as I really feel like randomly picking up a book I’m really in the mood for! Then there’s the fact that the Series Crackdown is happening again!!! I participated back in February and had a lot of fun, which is why I’m participating again! The next round runs from May 25th to June 3rd, so there is still plenty time to join the Readathon, which is all about catching up on Series! I’m actually going to a convention the last 3 days, so I won’t get a lot of reading done plus I have university this time, but I plan to read at least 2 books. I haven’t decided what I want to read though, so we’ll see 😄

What was your favorite book this month? How are you all doing? 📚

49 thoughts on “April Wrapup (& May TBR)

  1. Uuuuuh, being on a break and getting some Netflix in is always awesome. Do you know what you are going to binge yet??
    Thanks so much for featuring one of my posts 🙂
    I am so glad you are enjoying yoga! I haven’t been for way too long but I love it so much. Some people don’t realise how much of an intense training it can be while also relaxing at the same time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m kind of tempted to binge Lost in Space and the rest of Avatar: The Last Airbender and maybe some other shows that have been on my list? I do hope to get as much Netflix in as possible 😀
      You’re welcome 💕
      I’ve never done Yoga before, so it was a new experience, but one that I really loved 🙂 It’s definitely a good mix of training your body and relaxing 💕

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, it’s really tough to choose. That family is something else and the robot makes me so emotional even though it says nothing more than “Danger, Will Robinson” haha but I love it. I also really like Don West.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. WOW Caro you had a great month! And I feel you with your TBR suddenly piling up! I always begin the month telling myself that I won’t request many ARCs and always finish like WTH happened???? I’m also waiting for War Storm this month!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I definitely devoured a lot of books 😄 Me too! Not only Arcs but also library books … I tell myself I won’t check out too many books but then I end up with too much to read 😅
      Oh that’s amazing!! 😍 I already preordered my copy ♥


  3. Thank you very much for mentioning me, I’m glad you liked my posts! You are a master of reading, 12 books?! I only ever manage 4 at the most but I had a good month in April and read 7, even if 2 were novellas and 2 had illustrations 🙈😂 Great post Caro, keep it up!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m so sorry that April was a bit stressful for you, Caro. I find it SO easy to get stressed out about reading everything, wanting to be on top of everything all the time – I know that happens to me fairly often as well, you’re not alone. Take care of yourself and yes, don’t set massive, stressful TBRs ahead of time either, if that stresses you out, reading must remain something you love before anything else 🙂
    I’m so glad you got COBAB, I can’t wait to read that one – and you’re reading The Brightsiders, YAY, I can’t wait to read that one, I’ll read it soon as well 😀
    I hope you’ll have an amazing month, take care of yourself ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your kind words Marie ❤ ❤ I’m sadly very good at putting a lot of pressure on myself and stressing out because I cannot do everything all at once (which is pretty impossible anyway). I’m definitely trying to take time to do some self-care ❤
      Please do tell me what you think about The Brightsiders when you read it!!
      You too ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I 200% get the feeling – I think we might be the same person?? I do the EXACT same thing 😂 We need to cheer each other on and just tell ourselves to STOP being that way, every now and then haha ❤ ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow 12 books this month is amazing, it’s what I managed to read this month as well! 😀 I’m really glad you enjoyed Cress, and oh I can’t wait to get around to Stalking Jack the Ripper myself so I’m glad to see you rated that one really highly. 🙂
    I’m sorry the month turned out to be quite stressful for you, sounds like you had a lot going on so hopefully May will be a little more peaceful for you. I hope you love Ace of Shades and Leah on the Offbeat, I’ve read both thought they were really good.
    Also thanks so much for featuring my post as part of your recap.
    I hope you have a great May Caro, happy reading! 😀 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow that’s cool, we both had a really great reading month! 👍
      Stalking Jack the Ripper was A LOT of fun, so I hope you end up liking it as well! ♥
      Thank you 💕 I do hope May will be as relaxing as it can be & I hope that I will read a lot of amazing books! I have read Leah on the Offbeat since writing this Review and I really liked it! I’m also currently reading Ace of Shades and it’s amazing as well 😍
      I hope you have a great May too! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you so much for mentioning my posts!!
    I’m sorry Uni is stressing you out so much, I’m sure Yoga will help with that though! Good luck!
    Also, side note, I got Hunted for my birthday last month too haha!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome! 💕
      Yoga has helped a bit for me and I can only highly recommend it if you’re in need of something relaxing that trains your body at the same time 🙂 Thank you!
      Oh that’s cool! I hope we both end up liking it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hey Caro! GAH!!!!! REBEL SEOUL IS GETTING A SEQUEL!? YAS!!! ❤️ hahaha, I didn’t know that… I occasionally go into goodreads and check for a series link… but nothing so i’m happy to read this!!

    And I’m super excited about Swetlana sharing Ace of Shades with you! How neat is that?! …Actually I’m pretty excited to hear what you think…

    Oh and thanks for linking to my meme post! The word is out now 😀 I love your monthly list… I always find posts I missed that way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES IT’S FINALLY HAPPENING and I’m so excited 😍 I follow the author on Twitter, so I saw her post the good news and immediately freaked out 😀

      It’s super amazing of her to do that ♥ I’ve already read the book now and I TOTALLY loved it, which was such a good thing to happen!
      I’m so excited for the meme and all the amazing posts ♥ Thank you! 🙂


  8. Netflix and break equal win in my book! I am trying to decide on a new series to start. Although I need to pick back up on The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu and finish some anime. I am happy to read how much you liked the Nowhere Girls as it is a current read for me! Thank you for sharing the post ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thank you so much for sharing my post! I’m glad you liked the book of the club. For me it was okay but nothing more.

    I’m sorry that you stressed out and I really get the feel. There was a time in which I tried to do everything at the same time, and… no.
    But congrats for NaNo and your birthday!

    Also, laid back tbrs are the best. I always select some books and I read it when I can, without strees. Is really never an healty thing. Hope you will love all your tbr books

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome ❤ Oh no, I’m sad to hear that 😦

      It’s definitely not possible to do everything all at once, so I try to not stress out over it and make a reasonable to do list that doesn’t overwhelm me 🙂 Thank you!! ❤
      Recently laid back TBR’s is what I really need, because it leaves more room for picking up other books that I feel like reading 🙂 Thank you, you too!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Congrats on finishing your draft!!!! That’s awesome! I know what you mean about reading becoming stressful, books and prioroties have been stacking up for me and forcing myself to read certain things has been stressing be out. Hopefully we can both have a more relaxed may and enjoy some books more leisurely.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! ❤ I really hope we both lose a bit of the stress and are able to fully enjoy the books we are reading without any pressure to read certain things or commit to a huge TBR! So far my laid back TBR has been working out really well for me 🙂


  11. Oh man your month sounded so jam-packed! Gotta love when everything just lies up all at once haha.

    I really need to check out your review for Song of Blood & Bone because it’s on my TBR for this month. But also your May TBR looks so good no matter how small it is! You deserve a less stressful and free-flow month from the sounds of it, so I hope May is an easier month for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. You had a great reading month!!! Also happy belated birthday! 🙂

    I’ve been trying to get the energy to do yoga since January, but I’m just soo lazy and noncommital!

    I hope you May is amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! ❤
      I’m taking a course, because otherwise I don’t think I would be able to bring myself to do Yoga regularly 😅 So taking part of a class can be a great way to hold yourself accountable 🙂
      Thank you! I hope your month is amazing as well! 🙂


  13. Time is definitely going by too fast! It’s just weird. You read a lot of books though, which is great 🙂
    Thanks again for sharing all of that content of mine! You’re a gem 🙂
    I actually started doing yoga a few months back too (just from Youtube xD) but I’ve actually dropped it cause I have a few wrist and knee problems right now and JUST GAH. How does one do sports when you’re always hurting -.-
    Your May TBR seems absolutely doable, so short – you’ll do great 🙂 of course, at least in my experience, unexpected reads always pop up anyway :DDD

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for writing so many great thoughtful posts ❤️
      Oh noooo! It’s so sad to hear that you’re having these problems now that keep you from doing Yoga, sometimes our bodies just don’t want to cooperate 😦
      Thank you!! The first unexpected read has already appeared 😀


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