Monthly Wrapups

What I’ve been up to in June ☀ I’m melting and also I’m stressed

June Wrapup

Hello fellow bookworms ☀ I’M BACK! Yesterday was my last day at my internship and I only have three days of classes next week until the semester is already over again 😱 I was on a semi-hiatus for the majority of April, May and June, because there was a lot going on in my life, especially the last two weeks. That’s why this is a bit of a late June Wrapup 😄 I really missed blogging, because lately I was only able to put out half of what I liked and missed a lot of comments and blog-hopping 😢 I’m slowly working to get back to catching up on the comments and finally commenting on all the posts I bookmarked for later reading, so please be patient with me while I catch up! I have some fun things planned for next week 💗 I will also be on vacation from the 20th to the 24th of July, as I will be visiting Zürich with my family and I’m very excited to be having some chill time to myself 😍

What the last months taught me

Let's Talk (2)


Theme: Pride Month

🔄 = Reread 💌 = Library Books

🌼 = Moody Reader Challenge 🐯 = #YARC2019

⌛ = Digital Arc 🎧 = Audiobook

I would say that June turned out to be a satisfying reading month. I read 11 books, 9 of them were scheduled for Pride Month, so I think I did pretty well! I was in the middle of Peter Darling, but sadly didn’t finish it before the end of the month. I’m proud to have read a lot of books from my library, as that’s one of my main goals this year. I love my library and honestly cannot imagine parting ways with it next year 😢 I also had a great time rereading books, even though at the beginning of July I was convinced I hadn’t reread that much lately, something that didn’t turn out to be true after all 😂 What held up true though is that I didn’t participate in any Readathons. There were a lot of great ones for Pride Month, mainly 1 to 2 weeks, but having to organized and theme my TBR overwhelmed me with everything going on, so I just did my own month-long challenge. In the end I found one new favorite book (Radio Silence 💗) and can now look forward to more uninterrupted reading time with the semester ending!

Pride Month Reads 🌈

1. Radio Silence (Alice Oseman) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐

2. Carry On (Rainbow Rowell) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐🔄 💌

3. Simon vs. the homosapiens agenda (Becky Albertalli) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐🔄 💌

4. Ace of Shades (Amanda Foody) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐🔄

5. The Princess and the Fangirl (Ashley Poston) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🎧

6. Daughter of the Burning City (Amanda Foody) ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 🎧


7. Two Boys Kissing (David Levithan) ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 💌

8. You Know Me Well (David Levithan & Nina LaCour) ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 💌

9. Of Fire and Stars (Audrey Coulthrust) ⭐️⭐️.5 💌

Other Books ☀

10. The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Stephen Chbosky) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐🔄 💌

11. Summer Days and Summer Nights (Anthology) ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 💌

Average Rating ⭐ 4.1

Favorite Book 💕

Let's Talk (2)


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 ☀ What I’ve been up to in May 🌻 It was a weird month ☀ Blog Tour: If It Makes You Happy by Claire Kann 

☀ What I’m reading for Pride Month 🌈 feat. recommendations ☀ I Love Time Travel ⌛ Theme Thursday 

☀ Review: Radio Silence by Alice Oseman ☀ Mid Year Book Freakout Tag 💖 

☀ Top 5 Books outside of my comfort zone 🌻 ☀ Arc Review: Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson


For this section of my wrapup I’m linking up with the Favorite Blog Posts of the Month Meme that has been created by Kristin @ kristinkravesbooks to showcase our favorite blogs of the month!

Let's Talk (2)

life stuff

The semester and my internship are finished 😱 This technically happened in July, but I was working towards this for the entire month of June! Things were a bit stressful and intense like they tend to be towards the end of the semester. That’s the reason I wasn’t as active here as I would have liked and had a hard time catching up to comments and writing posts 😭 I was incredibly busy writing my three term papers, it always makes me anxious because I’m a perfectionist and also terrified of failing my papers, even though it’s not very likely 😅 I struggled writing those papers, but I made it through! I also made it through my internship as the three months ended and I can hardly believe it. Time flew by fast in the end and I liked my time there especially getting involved in the self-help group! My internship coordinator was a bit irritated that I’m a quieter person. They thought that I wasn’t interested in the job because of that, but we cleared that up in the final talk. Still, it makes me a bit sad that she was so irritated by my anxious, quiet self. Nevertheless, I had an overall good time there and I’m a bit sad to be going now 😢

I reached 400 followers 😭💖 I saw this by chance, as I usually don’t check my stats that often and THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! If you’ve stayed here, maybe left a comment and read my rambling posts trying to be funny, thank you!!!! I’m so grateful and honestly shocked that this happened, this means a lot to me! You are all the best people and without you I wouldn’t be here continuing to write posts, I love this community we have here to share our love of books, it makes my heart so happy 💖 (also stay tuned for a little … last minute nomination post now that I have the time 😉)

me @ all of you reading this 💗

I became obsessed with Good Omens 💗 Yes this is a significant life event 😂 The show got released on Amazon Prime on May 31st, but I watched it the first week of June and honestly it kind of saved me. I was so overwhelmed with the anxiety of writing my papers that  I really needed this show that stole my heart and that I got obsessed with. I LOVE CROWLEY AND AZIRAPHALE 😭❤💕 I read the book in March, but I do love the show more, because it got me so invested and made me incredibly happy – I also find it easier to understand than the book. (The book is still worth a read though!) I’m happy to see how a lot of the internet got obsessed with Good Omens as well and my friend Sandra, who I could scream about Good Omens with all the time 😍

I love them ❤

Let's Talk (2)

looking ahead

This month’s theme: Mood Reading 🎉

I loved doing these monthly themes for my TBR, but for July I’m in need of some mood reading. Everything has been very planned and intense lately, so I’ll certainly enjoy not  having a theme for once, even though they have been a lot of fun! As this Wrapup is a bit late I have already read some great books and plan to read whatever I can grab at my library before heading home for semester break, or something from my physical TBR 😊 I high key want to join a Readathon, because I have missed doing those (😭), but there isn’t a fitting one, considering that I have the last few days of university next week and the VACATION (🎊) afterwards. However, you can expect to see my NEWT TBR for August on the blog soon 👀 August will be full of Readathons for me and I couldn’t be more excited, especially as I’m on break, meaning lots of reading and chill time!

Books I have read so far in July (stay tuned for more in the next Wrapup 😛. I have basically loved all the books I read so far; July is looking like a good reading month so far! My favorite right now is Sorcery of Thorns, I’m in love with it 💖 Also: look at that beautiful color palette!)

Let's Talk (1)

What were you up to in July? What was your favorite book this month? What are your fave summer reads? ☀


31 thoughts on “What I’ve been up to in June ☀ I’m melting and also I’m stressed

  1. Radio silence is one of my favorite too! ❤️ congrats upon finishing your internship! I’m not a fan of themed reading honestly.. I just mood read all the time 😂 it sure will be a relied to finally read whatever and not stick to a schedule!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. ahhhhhhh congrats on 400 followers! You SO deserve it ❤ ❤

    I am also obsessed with Good Omens! I'm only on episode 4 though so far. I'm definitely interested in reading the book as well.

    I'm so happy to see you gave Radio Silence a high rating; I really want to read that one after loving I Was Born for This so much.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Mel!! 💕😍
      I LOVE Good Omens, I wasn’t thinking I would get so obsessed yet here we are. I hope you enjoy the rest of the episodes a well! ❤ The book is good as well, even though I found it a bit harder to understand at times.
      Radio Silence ended up being so good! I wasn’t sure if it would hold up after my love for I Was Born for This, but it really convinced me in the end & I hope you enjoy it as well 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I think I had some of the same issues with internships and people mistaking introversion for lack of interest of me not being a go-getter or team player or who even knows what else. It’s frustrating when I think I did a decent job at the internship, but it wasn’t really what I was being judged on. I’m glad you were able to clear it up a bit with your supervisor.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only one this has happened to 💕 I was genuinely baffled when the internship coordinator talked to me about it, but I’m glad that she let me at least clear up the situation, even though it was in the very end. I did really get on with a few of my colleagues, so that was still nice!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hey Caro!
    Welcome back!! That’s awesome that you were able to read many books even though it sounds like it was a busy month. Sounds like you’ve enjoyed these books overall which is great 🙂 Thank you for mentioning my post! Wishing you a wonderful July!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. oooh I really need to read Radio Silence and Sorcery of Thorns! ❤️ It’s so great to hear from you Caro! I’ve missed you. Sounds like your internship was a little more tough this time especially with the misunderstanding. Thanks so much for mentioning my post! Much love and happy moody reading through the rest of July.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They were both such great books! 💕 Aww thank you, I really missed you too & I’m so happy to be able to dedicate more time to blogging again ❤ The internship was so intense because it lasted 3 months, but I did like the work there and gladly we could at least clear up the misunderstanding in the end! Always happy to do so and Thank you! I hope you have a great July 😊🌷


  6. Ahh congrats on 400 followers Caro! Looks like you had an amazing reading month, and I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed Radio Silence, Simon Vs, and Carry On, as I love those three! I also really liked Ace of Shades but I still need to read the sequel. Thanks so much for featuring my posts, that means a lot ❤ Hope you have a super July!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanj you, Kate! ❤ I have read so many great books this month and really enjoyed all the fantastic rereads, plus finding Radio Silence as a new favorite was also a bonus 😍 I still need to read King of Fools as well, I’m planning to buddy read it with a friend 🙂 Always happy to do so! Thank you, I hope you have a great remaining month 💗


  7. What a wonderful post, Caro! I’m so happy to see you’ve read soooo many books – and so many from the library too ❤ I love libraries so much *cries happy tears* My wallet would be non-existent without them xD And it looks like you've pretty much enjoyed the majority of them, which is so important. Hurray for a great reading month!

    Congratulations on finishing your internship! It's hard to be an introvert, I can totally relate. Most of the time people assume you're either rude or uninterested or just plain annoyed at everything, when they couldn't be more wrong!

    Congrats on 400 followers as well!! What a milestone, and so well deserved ❤ ❤ ❤

    I hope you enjoy your TBR – I will be reading Sorcery of Thorns very soon and cannot wait!

    Thank you so much for sharing my post, you are a rock star 😘😘😘

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Sophie! 💕 I’m really proud that I have checked out so many books from the library recently, as I have been wanting to do that a lot more. Library are truly a great treasure for giving us so much access to books 😍

      Thank you!! ❤ I’m glad that things with my internship got cleared up in the end, but it can certainly be frustrating at times to have people think you’re uninterested 😢

      I hope you end up enjoying Sorcery of Thorns as I ended up really loving this book 😍 Always happy to share your posts 💖💗


  8. Congrats on finishing your semester and internship!! Three term papers is a lot, wow! I’m glad the misunderstanding was cleared up too, and now you can chill out for a bit 🙂 I’m reading Summer of Salt right now and enjoying it but I really want to get my hands on Sorcery of Thorns, it looks so good!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! 🙂 I wrote a lot of papers, but now I only have to do one final readthrough and they are ready to go 👍 Summer of Salt sounds like the perfect summer read and I hope that you’ll enjoy Sorcery of Thorns once you get to it!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Ahhh yay for finishing your semester and your internship! I’m so sorry to hear though that your internship coordinator misunderstood your anxiety for disinteresment, this often happens to me too and it’s so, so very frustrating at times. But I’m so happy you overall enjoyed your time there, yay!! ❤
    Thank you so much for linking to my posts, Caro! I'm so happy you enjoyed them ❤
    I hope you're having a fantastic July, sending you love ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m happy to have some free time now 🎊 It definitely surprised me, because I liked doing the job, but I’m glad that she gave me a chance to explain! Thank you, it definitely was an experience 😄
      Always happy to read your posts! I hope you have a great July as well, sending you all the positive vibes! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Congrats on getting through your internship and welcome back! 😄 I’ve definitely been in that situation where people think I’m not interested or excited about something because I’m quieter, which is frustrating…but I’m glad you got it cleared up! And that’s awesome that you read so many amazing books in June! Including Radio Silence, one of my all time faves 💙 Hope you get some nice relaxing reading time soon, and happy July!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Margaret ❤ It was definitely a frustrating situation, because I was genuinely interested in the job, but I’m glad I could at least clear it up with the internship coordinator in the end! I looooved Radio Silence, it was such a fantastic book 😍 Thank you! I hope you have a great July 😊


  11. Welcome back from the beyond of blogging hiatus (both you and I)! You sound hella busy and I relate so much but you just keep doing you! Your blog is looking lovely since the last time I visited and you have massive lists of fantastic books as always.

    Hoping that July is turning out a little more stress-free for you ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Aww, welcome back! I missed your post 🙂

    And congrats for reaching 400 followers! And yaya again for the great reads. I’m glad you liked Radio Silence. It’s also a favorite of mine.

    I get you with the hiatus. I had to take one too and I’m still trying to catching up with everything, You can do it, Caro ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! 💗 I was so glad that I ended up liking Radio Silence so much, it really made me want to check out some podcasts, as I loved that particular element of the story 🙂

      Thank you! You can do it, too!! *cheers you on* ❤

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