Monthly Wrapups

What I’ve been up to in August πŸ– Semester Break & Vacation

Hello fellow bookworms πŸ– Once again another month has passed us by and we're already getting closer to the end of the year, which is worrying 😱 August didn't really feel like summer here, which I'm fine with as I'd rather not have such extreme heat like I saw in other countries! I still managed… Continue reading What I’ve been up to in August πŸ– Semester Break & Vacation


Magical Readathon ~ Orilium TBR ✨ The Novice Path

Hello fellow bookworms ✨ The Magical Readathon is finally back and I couldn't be more excited! ❀ In case you didn't know, this used to be a Harry Potter Readathon, but due to J.K. Rowling's continued transphobic and hateful behavior, the host decided to reinvent the Readathon! G @ BookRoast has come up with an original… Continue reading Magical Readathon ~ Orilium TBR ✨ The Novice Path


Reading Diary: #ReadFatPositive Edition πŸ’—

Hello fellow bookworms πŸ’— I have always loved documenting my reading progress, especially for Readathons and on Booktube my favorite types of videos to watch are Reading Vlogs ❀ Therefore, I have decided to adapt the Reading Vlog content for my blog and start a little Reading Diary series (mostly for Readathons, as the rest… Continue reading Reading Diary: #ReadFatPositive Edition πŸ’—

Book Posts

2021 Out of Comfort Zone Reading Challenge πŸ’— Mid-Year Checkin

Hello fellow bookworms πŸ’—Β  We're already over the halfway point of this year, but I still wanted to update you on my Out of Comfort Zone Challenge - as I'm doing this Mid Year Checkin separately from the other Reading Challenges like last year! I started the Reading Challenge in 2020 and I have loved… Continue reading 2021 Out of Comfort Zone Reading Challenge πŸ’— Mid-Year Checkin


Review: Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells πŸ‘€ A Murderbot Murder Mystery

Goodreads – Amazon  – Book Depository CW's: Murder/Death, Violence No, I didn’t kill the dead human. If I had, I wouldn’t dump the body in the station mall. When Murderbot discovers a dead body on Preservation Station, it knows it is going to have to assist station security to determine who the body is (was), how they were killed… Continue reading Review: Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells πŸ‘€ A Murderbot Murder Mystery


#ReadFatPositive Round 2.0 TBR πŸ’—

Hello fellow bookworms πŸ’—Β It's time for another Readathon TBR (I have really missed writing those)!! Now that my exams are mostly over I'm eager to finally participate in Readathons again and read to my heart's content ❀ It's just my luck that after my vacation the #ReadFatPositive Readathon is happening again - that was the… Continue reading #ReadFatPositive Round 2.0 TBR πŸ’—


Rereading Vampire Academy (10 Years Later) πŸ¦‡

Hello fellow bookworms πŸ¦‡ I joined the St. Vladimir's Readalong this year, which is all about reading the Vampire Academy and (spin-off) Bloodlines series. I used to love Vampire Academy back in high school and had been wanting to reread the books in order to finally read the spin-off series, so this Readalong came at… Continue reading Rereading Vampire Academy (10 Years Later) πŸ¦‡